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1 Definition



means the person who buys or agrees to buy Goods

from the Seller



means Electrical Direct Limited registered in England

andWales with Company Number 02646135 whose registered office is

at Essex ElectricalWholesalers Ltd East Street Braintree Essex CM7 3JW

VAT No 594 8182 92


“Terms and Conditions”

means theTerms and Conditions of Sale

set out in this document and any special conditions agreed in writing

by the Seller



means the contract between the Seller and the Buyer

for the sale and purchase of Goods in accordance with theseTerms

and Conditions



means the goods (or any part of them) set out in the Order

16A reference to writing or written includes faxes and e-mails

2 Basis of Contract

21TheseTerms and Conditions govern the sale of Goods by the Seller to

the BuyerTheseTerms and Conditions constitute the

entire and only agreement between the parties in relation there toThe

Seller’s acceptance of the Order by delivery of the Goods

constitutes a legally binding contract between the parties on these

Terms and Conditions

22All orders placed by the Buyer are on the basis of theseTerms and

Conditions and are subject to acceptance by the Seller by

delivery of the Goods to the Buyer at which point a legally binding

contract is constituted between the partiesThe processing of

payment and acknowledgment of the Buyer’s Order does not

constitute legal acceptance of the Order

23TheseTerms and Conditions supersede all previous terms and

conditions issued by the Seller and the Buyer agrees to be

governed by them in all matters arising from the purchase of Goods

from the Seller

3 Price and Payment

31The price payable for the Goods is as set out on the Seller’s website

at the time the Order is placed or, if an order is placed from one of the

Seller’s catalogues,as set out in the catalogue from which the order is

placed (provided it is a current catalogue),plus any charges for insurance

and carriage as set out in the Seller’s current applicable catalogue

32 Subject to clause 33, the Seller must receive payment for the whole

of the price of the Goods ordered,and any applicable charges for

packaging, insurance and delivery,before the Order can be accepted

unless the Seller has agreed otherwise in advance in writing

33 If the Buyer is an account customer,payment shall be made in full

at the end of the month following date of invoiceTime shall be of the

essence for paymentThe Seller may revoke credit if the Buyer fails to

make payment when due If payment is not made when due, interest is

payable at the rate of 4 per cent over the Royal Bank of Scotland Plc’s

base lending rate from time to time on the amount outstanding from

the due date for payment until receipt by the Seller of the full amount

(including any accrued interest) whether before or after judgment,

together with any reasonable legal or other recovery costs

34 On occasion, the prices payable of Goods advertised on the Seller’s

website may differ from those prices offered in the then current

catalogue,and the Seller is under no obligation to honour any web site

price if there is such a difference Occasionally, the Seller advertises

Goods at a promotional price; the Buyer must quote the relevant

promotion code otherwise the Buyer may be charged the full price

35The Buyer is responsible for all orders placed by its authorised

employees and the Seller is not bound by any individual order limit

the Buyer may impose on its authorised employeesThe Buyer must

inform the Seller in writing as soon as a relevant employee is no longer

authorised to place and receive Orders

36All prices quoted are subject toVAT at the prevailing rate on the

date of despatch

37 Occasionally an error may occur and Goods may be incorrectly priced

in which circumstances the Seller will not be obliged to

supply the Goods at the incorrect price,but will inform the Buyer of the

correct valid price to enable the Buyer to re-order

38 Prices are valid as stated in Clause 15 unless the Seller requires

for commercial reasons to vary any price during the current catalogue

period it will notify the Buyer at the point of order or otherwise in its

issued literature

39 No payment transaction will be completed until immediately prior to

the point of despatch

310 Specific additional terms and conditions may apply to

promotional and voucher offersThese terms can be seen on our website:

4 Delivery and Title

41 Unless the Buyer tells the Seller it wishes to collect the Goods,

the Seller will deliver the Goods in accordance with the OrderA valid

signature will be required on collection or delivery

42 Subject to clauses 43 and 44, title to the Goods will remain with the

Seller until such time as all Goods are delivered and paid for in full

43Title to the Goods shall not pass to the Buyer until the Seller has

received payment in full for the Goods and all other sums which are or

which become due to the Seller for sales of Goods to the Buyer

44 Until title to the Goods has passed to the Buyer, the Buyer shall:

a) hold the Goods on a fiduciary (good faith) basis as the Seller’s bailee


b) store the Goods separately from all other goods held by the Buyer so

that they remain readily identifiable as the Seller’s property;

c) not remove,deface or obscure any identifying mark or packaging on

or relating to the Goods

d) maintain the Goods in satisfactory condition and keep them

insured against all risks for their full price from the date of delivery

e) notify the Seller immediately if it becomes the subject to any of the

events list in clause 81; and

f) give the Seller such information relating to the Goods as the Seller may

require from time to time

but the Buyer may resell or use the Goods in the ordinary course of

its business

45 In the unlikely event that the Buyer has not received all the Goods

within 48 hours of the date of delivery (or where the Buyer has requested

a delayed despatch within 48 hours of the requested despatch date), the

Buyer must notify the Seller immediately

46The Seller will endeavour to deliver the Goods in accordance with the

Order within the stated delivery time In the unlikely event that the Seller

does not make the Goods available to the Buyer within 30 days of the

Order the Seller will have the option of

cancelling the Order by notifying the Buyer accordingly prior to

delivery Before placing the Order,please refer to the delivery

options set out in the Seller’s website and catalogue to ensure that

delivery can be made to the Buyer’s addressA valid signature will be

required on collection or deliveryThe Seller reserves the right to choose

to nominate the carrier In the unlikely event that the Buyer has not

received all the Goods within the stated delivery time, the Buyer must

notify the Seller immediatelyThe Buyer must not schedule or commence

any installation work until after the Buyer has received its Order and

checked all the Goods for any defects or missing parts

5 Availability

51While the Seller endeavours to hold sufficient stock to meet all orders,

if the Seller has insufficient stock to supply or deliver the Goods ordered

and paid for by the Buyer, the Seller may,at its

discretion, supply or deliver a substituted product or refund to the Buyer

the price paid for such Goods as soon as possible and in any case

within 30 days or, in the case of an account customer, the Seller may,

in its absolute discretion,as soon as possible raise a credit to offset the

amount invoiced to the Buyer

52 Colour and finishes may vary slightly as is dependant on products

supplied by manufactures

6 Returns,Shortages,Damaged Goods & Cancellations

61The Buyer may return any unwanted, faulty or damaged Goods to

us within 30 days without any handling charge,providing the Goods,

including packaging,are in a re-sellable condition subject to 64

62 In the unlikely event of the Order being supplied incomplete or Goods

arriving damaged in transit the Buyer must notify the Seller in writing

within 14 days of delivery

63The Seller will refund the same method of payment used to purchase

the Goods

64The Seller is unable to accept the return of any non-standard special

product that has been supplied correctly in accordance with the Buyer’s


65The Buyer may cancel its order by giving the Seller notice of

cancellation within 30 days of the date of delivery to the Buyer or

collection from a trade counter Such notice may be given by phone,mail,

fax or email If the Buyer is canceling because of any problem with the

Goods,please notify the Seller of the problem at the time of cancellation

66 On cancellation for whatever reason, the Buyer must return the

Goods to the Seller at the Buyer’s cost unless the Seller agrees that

the Buyer may dispose of them in which case please comply with the

manufacturer’s instructions before disposing of hazardous GoodsWhere

the Goods are being returned because they are faulty, incorrect Goods or

because of unsuitable substitution by the Seller, the Seller will meet the

cost of return and the Seller can nominate the carrier

67All Electrical products are guaranteed for a minimum of 1 year,unless

otherwise statedThe guarantee covers these

products when fitted,used and maintained as per their

specifications including fair wear and tear

7 Liability

Please read this clause

71 If the Buyer has notified the Seller of a problem with the Goods within

30 days of delivery, the Seller will (subject to clause 5) either make

good any shortage or non-delivery; replace or repair any Goods that are

damaged or defective upon delivery; or refund to the Buyer the amount

paid by the Buyer for the Goods in question

72The Seller shall have no liability to pay any money to the Buyer by way

of compensation other than any refund the Seller makes under these

Terms and ConditionsThe Seller’s liability to the Buyer shall not in any

event include losses related to any business of the Buyer, such as loss

of profits or business interruption; neither will the Seller be responsible

to the Buyer for any other loss which is not a foreseeable consequence

of the Seller being in breach of theseTerms and Conditions or its legal

duties The Seller’s total liability to the Buyer in respect of all other losses

arising under or in connection with this agreement shall not exceed the

price of the Order

73This does not affect your statutory rights,nor is it intended to exclude

the Seller’s liability to the Buyer for fraudulent

misrepresentation or for death or personal injury resulting from the

Seller’s negligence or any matter in respect of which it would be

unlawful for the Seller to exclude or restrict liability

74 Goods are intended for use in the UK only and the Seller

cannot confirm that the Goods comply with any laws, regulations or other

standards applicable outside the UKAll Goods are sold in

accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications and are subject

to any qualifications, representations or instructions contained in the

documentation associated with the Goods

75 Subject to Clause 73, the Seller will not be responsible to the Buyer or,

in the event that the Buyer is undertaking work for

another person, to any other person, for the use or installation of any

Goods by the BuyerAccordingly, if the Buyer is a trade customer, the

Buyer hereby agrees to hold the Seller harmless,and indemnify the

Seller against any liability associated with,any claim or allegation that

the Seller is responsible for any failings in the installation or use of Goods

that the Seller supplies

8 Termination

81The Seller may suspend further supply or delivery, stop any Goods

in transit or terminate the contract by notice in writing to the Buyer if

the Buyer is in breach of an obligation hereunder or the Buyer becomes

unable to pay its debts when they fall due or

proceedings are commenced by or against the Buyer alleging

bankruptcy or insolvency

82 Upon termination, the Buyer’s indebtedness to the Seller

becomes immediately due and payable and the Seller shall be under no

further obligation to supply Goods

9 Force Majeure

In the event that the Seller is prevented or delayed from carrying out its

obligations under this agreement as a result of any cause beyond its

control such as but not limited to acts of God,war, strikes, lockouts,flood

and failure of third parties to deliver Goods, the Seller shall be relieved of

its obligations and liabilities under such agreement for as long as such

fulfilment is prevented

10 Health and Safety

101 By purchasing from the Seller the Buyer acknowledges that it is

aware of all health and safety requirements pertaining to the products

and their application

102 By purchasing from the Seller the Buyer assumes full liability for the

consequences of its actions and acknowledges that the Buyer is obliged

to report any misuse or abuse of the Sellers’

products and/or services

11 Age Requirement for Specific Goods

Where the Buyer places an Order for age-restricted Goods such as

solvents and knives, the Buyer confirms that it is over the age of 18 and

that delivery will be accepted by a person over the age of 18The Seller

reserves the right to cancel the Order if the Seller

reasonably believes the Buyer is not legally entitled to order certain Goods

12 Disposal of electrical and electronic equipment

TheWEEE regulations 2013 (applies from 1 January 2014) ensure that

the amount of waste on certain electrical and electronic equipment is

reduced, separated from household waste,collected separately and

ultimately disposed of in a sound environmental manner (recycled and

recovered) If the Buyer is a trade customer, the Buyer agrees that the

collection, recovery/treatment and disposal of non

household electrical or electronic equipment purchased from the Seller

will be the Buyer’s responsibility In the case of household waste,please

take this waste to the Buyer’s nearest Designated Collection Facility (DCF)

where special facilities exist for correct


13 General

131 If any provision of theseTerms and Conditions is invalid,

illegal or unenforceable (including any provision in which the Seller

excludes its liability to the Buyer) that provision shall, to the extent

required,be deemed to be deleted and the validity, legality or

enforceability of any other part of theseTerms and Conditions will not

be affected

132Where any terms or conditions may be valid by the inclusion or

exclusion of one or more conditions it will be considered that those

amendments have taken place with the minimum

modification necessary

133This contract and any dispute or claim arising out of or in

connection with it shall be governed by and interpreted in

accordance with English law, the parties irrevocably submit to the

exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England andWales

134TheseTerms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement

between the parties The Buyer acknowledges that it has not relied on

any statement,promise or representation made or given by or on behalf

of the Seller which is not set out in the Order

135A person who is not a party to the contract shall not have any rights

under or in connection with it

136 By submitting the Order/requesting information the Buyer

consents toThe Seller retaining and using the Buyers personal data for

the purpose of advertising,marketing and its administration; this includes

providing information to service providers and carefully selected third

parties whose products the Seller thinks may be of interest to the Buyer

The Buyer indicates its consent to receiving marketing messages from

the Seller and third parties unless the Buyer notifies the Seller otherwise

14 Copyright

Drawings,photographs,part numbers, layout and style are all

considered the property of the Seller Reproduction in whole,or in part, is

strictly prohibited without prior written permission of the Seller Quantities

and measurements are approximateAll trademarks are acknowledged

Exact products may vary from those shown

© ElectricalDirect Ltd Registered Office:Essex ElectricalWholesalers Ltd

East Street Braintree Essex CM7 3JWVAT No 594 8182 92

15 Price Validity

Subject to clause 38 prices are valid until 01/01/2018