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Asepti-Zyme –
Enzyme action rapidly removes and dissolves
blood, mucous and other organic matter from
instruments.Safe to use on all instruments and in
ultrasonic cleaners.
530-61023175Gallon .....................
Spray Gel –
Dual enzyme gel with corro-
sion inhibitor acts as a
ready-to-use instrument pre-
cleaner. Maintains moisture to
help prevent debris from drying
on instruments before cleaning
and helps dissolve blood, tis-
sue and other debris. Can also be used as a
linen spot remover.
530-IMS122924oz. bottle..............
Super Brite
– EPR Industries
Instrument pre-soak dissolves blood and debris
from dental instruments, diamond burs, and car-
bide burs prior to sterilization and disinfection.
Dilutes at 10:1 ratio.
- Enzyme Industries
Introducing Sani-Soak instrument pre-soak
ultrasonic cleaner and holding solution. Sani-
Soak’s superior anti-corrosion qualities will not
rust stainless steel instruments or dental burs.
This specially formulated, state-of-the art
enzyme formulation is designed to clean and
brighten dental instruments in just minutes.
Fresh citrus flavor, is biodegradable and non-
toxic. Convenient “tip & measure” container
dispenses an ounce of Sani-Soak which dilutes
to one gallon of water. 1/2oz. of concentrate
makes one gallon of solution.
530-5199Quart .........................
12 quarts @ .................................
530-5198Gallon .....................
- GCAmerica
Formulated as a neutral pH formula to guard
against instrument discoloration. Contains two
proteolytic enzymes in a powerful detergent
base. Efficiently dissolves organic solids and
protein, allowing the detergent to carry contami-
nates away. The low foaming COEZYME
provides non-corrosive cleaning of hard to reach
surfaces, reducing need for manual cleaning.As
a presoak solution, prevents solidification of
organic substances on instruments. If used as
an ultrasonic cleaner, low sudsing COEZYME
removes debris in less than three minutes. One
ounce makes one gallon of cleaner.
530-5570641/2 Gallon w/pump ......
EmPower Enzymatic Solution - Kerr
EmPower is an enzymatic liquid concentrate that
is suitable for use as a cleaner of evacuation sys-
tems and sink traps; for precleaning of surgical
and dental equipment or instruments. For the
removal of blood, tissue or organic stains from
fabric; and for use in ultrasonic cleaner. Non-
toxic, biodegradable, acts in minutes and has
natural preserving action. Eliminates odor-form-
ing bacteria, has no fragrance or color, no
staining and has low foaming action. Dilute 2oz.
per gallon. 2-year shelf life.
530-060801Gallon .....................
IMS Enzymax
- Hu-Friedy
Enzymax dual enzyme ultrasonic detergent con-
tains Steelgard to protect instruments from
harmful minerals naturally found in water that
contribute to build-up, spotting and corrosion.May
also be used as a instrument pre-soak.
Makes 32 gallons.
530-IMS1226Gallon .....................
Enzymax Powder
800 gram container makes 55 gallons.
Box of 40 packets
Makes 40 gallons.
Enzymax Pax
32 ready-to-use powder packets.
IMS Daily Clean
- Hu-Friedy
Virtually eliminates hand scrubbing, saves time
and minimizes cross-infection. Up to five times
more cost-effective than liquid. May also be
used as an instrument pre-soak.
530-IMS12201.1 lbs. .....................
530-IMS12185 lbs.........................
Sani-Treet Plus
- Enzyme Industries
Sani-Treet was the first enzymatic evacuation
cleaner available to dentists. Now many enzy-
matic products are available but none of them
have anti-foaming characteristics of Sani-Treet
Plus. It is also an excellent instrument pre-soak/
ultrasonic cleaner. Non-toxic and biodegradable
with a fresh mint fragrance. May also be used as
an evacuation cleaner.
550-15650Gallon ........................
4 gallons @ .................................
Country Meadow
550-4200Gallon ........................
4 gallons @ .................................