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Extraoral-Digital Belmax-CM –
Belmax CM extraoral X-ray system is a new digital Panoramic/ Cephalometric
X-ray system that is simple to use, produces sharp diagnostic quality images
and includes built in tomography software.
Standard Features:
Advanced system design enables Belmax to produce radiographs with mini-
mal interproximal overlap for easier detection of carious lesions
Sharp images can be obtained, even with mild patient positioning errors
High frequency X-ray generator minimizes patient exposure to radiation
Specify right or left cephalometric arm
Single CCD sensor can be moved between panoramic and cephalometric
docking ports
Pushbutton controlled three-laser beam alignment system for correctly posi-
tioning patient mid-sagittal, frankfort and focal-trough planes
Pushbutton controlled X-ray head height adjustment accommodates adults
or children, both seated and standing
Exposure parameters are easily selected on an outboard computer with a
few mouse clicks (computer & mouse not included)
60-100kV; 2-12mA
0.5mm x 0.5mm focal spot
Fast 7 second scan or 12 second scan time
Bel-Cypher –
Simple to use and affordable, the NEW Bel-Cypher digital X-ray system pro-
duces outstanding Panoramic, TMJ and Bitewing images.
Standard Features:
Digital panoramic (child, adult), 4 view lateral and Bitewing (child,
adult) imaging
Simple to use
Sharp images can be obtained, even with mild positioning errors
Smooth X-ray head height adjustment with one-touch release
High-frequency X-ray generator minimizes patient exposure to radiation
Three-laser beam alignment system for correctly positioning patient mid-
sagittal, frankfort and focal-trough planes
60-80kV, 2-8mA
0.5mm x 0.5mm focal spot
Fast 10 second scan time
TWAIN driver included