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The deeper lagoon in the central GBR allows greater MCE

development on the mid-shelf. The lower slopes of some reefs

extend todepths of at least 50m(Chalker andDunlap1983), and

are occupied by scleractinian or hard corals. Submerged banks

and shoals are also abundant throughout the GBR (Pitcher et

al. 2007) covering an area of about 25,600 km


(Harris et al.

2013). Three types of banks having a vertical relief exceeding

15 m were recognized: Type 1 (n = 1,145), with a mean depth

of 27 m, have some portion of their surface covered by shallow

coral reefs (and are thus co-located with shallow reefs); Type 2

(n = 251), with a mean depth of 27 m, are located landward of

the shelf-edge barrier reef on the middle- to outer-shelf, with

no shallow reefs superimposed; and Type 3 (n = 150), with a

mean depth of 59 m, are located on the outer shelf, commonly

seaward of the outer-shelf barrier reef (Harris et al. 2013).

The shelf position of the different bank types is an important

determinant of their ecological composition (Harris et al.

2013). Shallower shoals are dominated by hard corals, while

deeper shoals are often colonized by gorgonians or calcareous

algal species such as


(Hopley et al. 2007, Pitcher et al.

2007, Roberts et al. 2015).

Interest in the biodiversity associated with MCEs in the GBR

Marine Park has increased in recent years, although the majority

of this research has focused on hard corals (Bridge and Guinotte

2012, Muir et al. 2015). Broad-scale patterns in community

composition have been investigated primarily using an

autonomous underwater vehicle (Williams et al. 2010). Several

expeditions from 2011 to 2013 conducted extensive sampling of

hard corals on lower reef slopes in the north and central GBR,

with most sampling occurring in the upper mesophotic (30–

40 m), although some specimens were collected from deeper

than 100 m (Englebert et al. 2014). MCEs clearly support a

considerable diversity of hard corals, including common shallow-

water species such as


(Muir et al. 2015).

Considerable interest surrounds the question of whether

MCEs are capable of providing refuges for shallow-water coral

reef biodiversity. Quantitative, long-term data are currently

unavailable for MCEs on the GBR, and understanding their

potential vulnerability to disturbances is difficult. MCEs

are well represented in no-take areas, aided by the robust

and precautionary management approach taken in the 2003

rezoning process (Bridge et al. 2015), but severe tropical

cyclones are currently the leading cause of coral decline on

the GBR. Very severe storms, such as Tropical Cyclone Yasi in

2011, caused damage to depths of at least 70 m at Myrmidon

Reef (Bongaerts et al. 2013a), although in general MCEs are less

impacted by storms than shallower reefs (Roberts et al. 2015).

There have been no observations of warm-water bleaching of

MCEs in the GBR to date, although observations are limited.

Sediment accumulation, due to the lack of wave energy in

deeper waters, appears to be a significant factor limiting the

growth of corals in mesophotic depths. Controlling sediment

loads is therefore likely to be important for MCEs, particularly

on submerged banks closer to shore. Lack of knowledge of the

spatial location and extent of submerged banks may increase

their incidental exposure to threats such as dumping of dredge

spoil and ship anchoring (Kininmonth et al. 2014).

Figure 3.

Examples of MCEs on the Great Barrier Reef: (a) hard-coral dominated community at Mantis reef (photo Ed Roberts),

(b) soft-coral dominated assemblage at Hydrographers Passage, (c and d) heterotrophic octocoral-dominated assemblages at

Hydrographers Passage (photos Australian Centre for Field Robotics at the Unviersity of Sydney, figure from Bridge et al. 2012a).



