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Ocean acidification

Rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere — caused in

large part by the burning of fossil fuels — has led to an increase

in the levels of carbon dioxide in the ocean. Upon absorption of

carbon dioxide, seawater becomesmore acidic and its carbonate

ions less abundant. As corals and other calcifying organisms

require calcium carbonate to build skeletons and shells,

increasing ocean acidification may inhibit growth (Langdon

and Atkinson 2005, Albright et al. 2010, Fabricius et al. 2011).

Ocean acidification can also impact organisms in other ways,

such as the ability of fish to detect predators (Munday et al.

2014) and a decrease in coral settlement rates (Doropoulous et

al. 2012). Perhaps the most consistent and pronounced effects

of ocean acidification observed on coral reef ecosystems are

enhanced rates of bioerosion (whereby hard substrata is eroded

by living organisms; Andersson and Gledhill 2013).

Little information exists regarding the effects of ocean

acidification on MCEs. One study, which examined the precious



, canbe used as an example of what could

happen to mesophotic corals as it occurs at mesophotic depths

in theMediterranean Sea. In controlled studies simulating ocean

acidification conditions anticipated by the end of the century,

C. rubrum

exhibited reduced calcification and polyp activity

(Cerrano et al. 2013). It has been suggested that calcification

in the Mediterranean Sea may have already declined (by 50 per

cent) as a consequence of anthropogenically-induced ocean

acidification (Maier et al. 2012). In some regions, precious corals

are a component of MCEs; therefore, it is plausible that these

populations will be directly impacted by ocean acidification

over the course of the century.


Tropical storms

Hydrodynamic disturbances associated with storms

(hurricanes in the Atlantic and Eastern Pacific, typhoons

in the North Pacific and Indian Ocean and cyclones in the

South Pacific) affect many coral reef regions, and play a

significant role in structuring shallow reefs (Gardner et al.

2003, De’ath et al. 2012). Water velocities from storm waves

(maximum orbital velocities) decline exponentially with

depth, and MCEs are therefore afforded some protection

from hydrodynamic disturbances (e.g. Woodley et al. 1981).

However, organisms living in the upper mesophotic zone

(30–50 m) may experience direct impacts from storms

(White et al. 2013). Indirect effects of storms, such as

debris avalanches, can affect MCEs (Harmelin-Vivien and

Laboute 1986), while very severe storms can damage reefs to

depths of at least 70 m (Bongaerts et al. 2013a). The typical

plating and foliose morphologies of many mesophotic coral

species leave them prone to degradation following physical

disturbance. For example, significant impacts to large foliose

coral communities combined with a large increase in rubble

were detected on MCEs off Okinawa following a typhoon in

2012 (White et al. 2013). Submerged banks not exposed to

breaking waves are likely to be less vulnerable than lower reef

slopes (Roberts et al. 2015). In any case, predicted changes

in the location, frequency and particularly the intensity of

storms expected as ocean temperatures rise (IPCC 2013) will

likely affect MCEs.