Budget Committee Recommends $6,000.00
Yes 7 No 0
Article 33.
To see what sum not to exceed $10,293.00 (Ten Thousand Two Hundred Ninety
Three Dollars) the Town will vote to appropriate for salaries and miscellaneous
expenses of Voter Registration for fiscal year 2015-2016.
Requested $10,293.00
Selectmen Recommend $10,293.00
Yes 4 No 0 Absent 1
Budget Committee Recommends $8,168.00
Yes 7 No 0
Article 34.
To see what sum not to exceed $782,407.00 (Seven Hundred Eighty Two Thousand
Four Hundred Seven Dollars) the Town will vote to appropriate to be used for the
Buxton Fire and Rescue Department for fiscal year 2015-2016 as follows:
Budget Comm.
Fire Chief Budget
$ 62,951.00 $ 62,951.00 $ 62,951.00
Fire Police
$ 17,321.00 $ 17,321.00 $ 17,321.00
$420,680.00 $420,680.00 $420,680.00
Fire Division
$281,455.00 $281,455.00 $281,455.00
Total Requested $782,407.00
Selectmen Recommend $782,407.00
Yes 4 No 0 Absent 1
Budget Committee Recommends $782,407.00
Yes 7 No 0
Article 35.
To see what sum not to exceed $8,000.00 (Eight Thousand Dollars) the Town will vote
to appropriate for Dry Hydrant Account for fiscal year 2015-2016.
Requested $8,000.00
Selectmen Recommend $8,000.00
Yes 4 No 0 Absent 1
Budget Committee Recommends $8,000.00
Yes 7 No 0
Article 36.
To see what sum not to exceed $34,865.00 (Thirty Four Thousand Eight Hundred
Sixty Five Dollars) the Town will vote to appropriate for the third payment of a three
year finance agreement entered into for a new Ambulance, pursuant to the vote
taken under Article 34 Annual Town Meeting June 15, 2013 for fiscal year 2015-
Requested $34,865.00
Selectmen Recommend $34,865.00
Yes 4 No 0 Absent 1
Budget Committee Recommends $34,865.00
Yes 7 No 0