Elected Officers, Appointed Officials, Town Employees,
Boards, Committees, Commissions and Trustees
Elected Officers
(Dates shown in parenthesis indicate
when term ends, Month & Year)
Selectmen, Assessors and
Overseers of the Poor
Clifford L. Emery, Chair (6/16)
Jean C. Harmon, Vice Chair (6/17)
Penny J. Booker (6/15)
Peter E.W. Burns (6/16)
Dennis P. Santolucito (6/17)
Election Moderator &Warden
Hiram R. Davis
Town Clerk
John L. Myers, Jr. (6/17)
Planning Board
Keith A. Emery, Chair (6/15)
Christopher S. Carroll, Vice Chair (6/16)
Lawrence F. Curtis, Treasurer (6/15)
Mark J. Blier, Secretary (6/17)
Christopher Baldinelli (6/15)
Chad E. Poitras (6/15)
Jeremiah K. Ross, III (6/16)
Hilda E. Lynch, Recording Sec.
Directors of School
Administrative District No. 6
Frank Sherburne, Superintendent
Cynthia J. Meserve (6/15)
Ansel E. Stevens, Jr., (6/17)
Jacob T. Stoddard (6/16)
Jean C. Whitney (6/15)
Budget Committee
Sheridan D. Bennett (6/16)
Heidi L. Carter (6/17)
Richard H. Emery, Jr. (6/17)
David L. Hall (6/16)
Tracy M. Kane (6/15)
Dana W. Ryder (6/16)
Jacob T. Stoddard (6/15)
Appointed Officials
Town Treasurer
Charisse A. Keach
Elizabeth “LeeAnn” A. Pratt, Deputy
Tax Collector
Elizabeth “LeeAnn” A. Pratt
Emergency Management Agency
Nathan R. Schools, Director (12/17)
William C. Roberts, Jr., Deputy (12/17)
Motor & Recreational Vehicle Agent
Suzanne Shorter
Public Access Officer
John L. Myers, Jr.
Public Information Officer
Selectmen’s Assistant &Welfare Director
Beverly A. Gammon
Brenda Brown, Fair Hearing Authority
Health Officer
Chad E. Poitras (12/17)
Sub-Registrar for Disposition Permits
James Pate (6/17)
Chad E. Poitras (6/17)