March 2016
Hello Ladies,
With any luck, Spring will be right around the corner!
There are a lot of plans and preparations underway for a spectacular
year! There will be plenty of opportunities for the First Mates to join
together in cooperation of making this a successful and fun time for all.
I am looking forward to attending the First Mates Fashion Show and
Social on Saturday, April 30
. Reservations are being taken by Diane
Ticket Price is $35.00. Please contact Debbie Siwek
contributions and donations. This is a great event to attend as a guest,
or we are looking for those who would like to be a more active
participant as Marie Pepin
is looking for volunteer models. This is a fun
way to take a more active role and participate with the First Mates. This
event is one of the largest fundraisers for the First Mates; please help us
make it a huge success!
Please remember to return your First Mates membership updates and
dues by March 31
in time to be included in the Roster.
Our next membership meeting is scheduled for Saturday, May 28
10:30am in the clubhouse followed by our annual “Welcome Reception”.
Cheryl Moore-Swatosh
Publicity Director
P.S. Thank you for your patience as I
am still trying to learn the fan-out
process. I promise to contact you
via fan-out mailings soon!
Diane Marten –
Dmcottrell58@gmail.com49633 Octovia
New Baltimore, MI 48047
Debbie Siwek –
D53siwek@yahoo.comPhone 586.917.5767
Marie Pepin –