Oil & Gas UK Membership Pack - page 3

Joining Oil & Gas UK is more than just
a matter of paying the fee, getting the
certificate and then reading the briefings.
It is a matter of agreeing to participate
in the UK offshore oil and gas industry’s
most active, effective and respected
professional network so that you can get
the maximum benefit to your business.
We are a not-for-profit, member-owned and member-led organisation and
the only trade association representing all sectors, type and size of companies
operating in or providing services to the UK offshore oil and gas industry. We have
three clear strategic priorities which your voice can help us to achieve:
• maximise recovery of oil and gas reserves from the UKCS
• ensure a sustainable long term future for the UK industry supply chain
• Raise the positive profile and reputation of the industry, highlighting the
contribution it makes
Your membership allows us to maintain our unique presence across the entire
supply chain, giving us a privileged insight into the needs and challenges of the
industry. Your participation in our forums enables us to put the industry’s case
directly to Government, politicians and the general public in a properly informed
and truly representative manner and allows you to help shape the industry’s
future and ensure its success. That is a matter on which every company, no matter
how large or small, has a right to be heard. Oil & Gas UK is the organisation which
gives you that opportunity and the opportunity to directly influence the outcome.
Malcolm Webb
, Chief Executive, Oil & Gas UK
‘’As a founding member of Oil &
Gas UK, I cannot overstate the
value of joining this organisation. Oil &
Gas UK has created the opportunity for
the UK supply chain to participate at all
levels in the strategic development of the
UKCS and consequently the creation of
new and exciting business opportunities
for member companies. The networking
potential created by Oil & Gas UK for all
members with customers, Government
and other agencies is, in my experience,
Dennis Clark
Chairman, OGN Group
‘’From Apache’s perspective, it is
essential for an operator conducting
business in the United Kingdom to be an
active member of Oil & Gas UK for a variety
of key reasons. These include, but are not
limited to, staying up to date and engaged
with others on strategic issues facing our
industry as well as developing essential
relationships with others involved with our
Jim House
Managing Director, Apache North Sea Ltd
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