Oil & Gas UK Membership Pack - page 6

Oil &Gas UK has a robust governance structure in place, dictated by our Articles
of Association. We recognise our privileged position as a representive body for
the industry and that we are trusted with confidential industry information. In
this respect, we hold governing policies on Competition Law and the Bribery
Act and have clear procedures on the management of confidential data.
The following network of groups complieswith that governance and guarantees
that every member company is given a regular opportunity to have a say on
Oil & Gas UK’s strategy and annual work plan.
The ultimate responsibility for the setting of Oil & Gas UK’s position on policy matters lies with the Board which
is made up of a cross-section of the membership.
Board Composition
• Maximum twelve representatives from operator companies
• Maximum ten representatives from contractor/supply chain companies
• One representative from a non-operator or independent oil company
• The chief executive of Oil & Gas UK
To ensure the regular rotation of Board members, industry representatives can only serve on the Board for a
maximum of five years in total and are required to stand for re-appointment every two years.
The officers are appointed by the Board from among their number and comprise Joint Chairs (one operator; one
contractor); two Vice Chairs and the Honorary Treasurer. The Chairs alternate the chairing of Board meetings
between them and serve for a maximum period of two years.
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