The blue-blazered Glee Club sang the hymns at the
opening Mass of the school year. After an arid few
months they reached a vertex in the vertigo of pre-
Christmas gala. From the Bahia Inn, from the Hanalei,
from the Lark and lobby, rang carols for the USD
Auxiliary, the Alcala Guild, the ASB Snow Party, The
Boarders' Party, and the staff. They added a few light
notes to the Parents' Day convocation. Their annual
appearance on TV/radio was made in Lajolla, over
KDIG-FM. The year closed with the melodies of "Song
of Peace" and "The Impossible Dream" combined with
the Chorale of the Women's College for "Holy God.
Their favorites still are the Fight Song, the Alma Mater,
the Winter Song, and the Sailors' Chorus from "The
Flying Dutchman."
Father Sullivan
From Left to Right: Herb Baker, Larry Lacombe, Dennis Vice, Tim Gardner, Steve Melvin, John Briskey,
Tim O'Keefe, Dave Schmelzle, Bill Hall, Bob Woods, Jim Shrove, Bill Ziefle, Jeff Stamper, Phil Pirio, Mike
Windle Tom Brown, Rick Calderon, Bill Feree, Dominic Parlatore, Rus Schember.