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Anikó M. Sólyom


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245 S. Plumer Ave., Suite 5

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Tel: (520) 975-0411

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D. D. Bicanic, H. Jalink, M. Chirtoc, H. Sauren, M. Lubbers, J. Quist, E. Gerkema, C. van Asselt, A. Miklós,

A. M.


, Gy. Z. Angeli, P. Helander, H. Vargas

Interfacing Photoacoustic and Photothermal Techniques for New Hyphenated Methodologies and

Instrumentation Suitable for Agricultural, Environmental and Medical Applications

Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena III. (Ed. D. Bicanic)

Springer Series in Optical

Sciences, Vol 69., p. 20., Springer Verlag, Berlin (1992)

A. M. Sólyom

, A. Miklós, Gy. Z. Angeli, A. Lörincz:

Photoacoustic Spectroscopy I.: New Analytical Method for Environmental Trace Gas Analysis

Acta Chimica Hungarica

, 128, 877-889 (1991)

Gy. Z. Angeli, A. Miklós,

A. M. Sólyom

, A. Lörincz:

Photoacoustic Spectroscopy II.: New Instrument for Continuous Monitoring of Environmental Trace Gases

Acta Chimica Hungarica

, 128, 891-900 (1991)

A. Sólyom

, P. Fodor, S. Kemény:

Application of Optimization Methods in Analytical Atomic Spectroscopy (In Hungarian)

Magyar Kémikusok Lapja

, 46. 107-114 (1991)

L. Illgen, H. Mühlbach, S. Roth, G. Konczos, J. Takács,

A. Sólyom


Zum Einfluss von Verunreinigungen auf die Duktilitat und die Magnetischen Eigenschaften amorpher Bander

aus Eisen-Bor-Silizium

Hung. Acad. Sci. Centr. Res. Inst. Phys. KFKI Report

KFKI-1990-22/E (1990)

E. Tóth-Kádár, I. Bakonyi, J. Lóránth,

A. Sólyom

, L. Pogány, T. Dankházi, J. Tóth, G. Konczos, P. Fodor and H.H.


Determination of the Phosphorus Content in Ni-P Alloys

Plating and Surface Finishing

77(9) 70-75 (1990.)

E. Tóth-Kádár, I. Bakonyi,

A. Sólyom

, J. Hering, G. Konczos, and F. Pavlyák:

Preparation and Characterization of Electrodeposited Amorphous Ni-P Alloys

Surface and Coating Technology

, 31, 31-43 (1987)

I. Bakonyi, L. K. Varga, A. Lovas, E. Tóth-Kádár,

A. Sólyom


Magnetization and NMR Study of Amorphous Ni-P Alloys in the Paramagnetic Concentration Range

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials

, 50, 111-118 (1985)

A. Lovas, L. F. Kiss, G. Konczos,

A. Sólyom


Influence of Amorphous Ribbon Processing on the Magnetic Properties of Heat Treated Wound Cores

Hung. Acad. Sci. Centr. Res. Inst. Phys. KFKI Report.

KFKI-1985-94 (1985)

S. Antus, E Baitz-Gács, F. Boros, M. Nógrádi,

A. Sólyom


Oxidation of 1,3-Diphenyl-1,3-Propanediones with Thallium(III)-Nitrate in Methanol

Liebigs Ann. Chem.,

1980 (8) 1271-1282

Book chapter

E.Pfeiffer, H. Esch, S. Hohle,

A.M. Sólyom

, B.N. Timmermann, M. Metzler.

In vitro studies on the estrogenic activity and the metabolism of curcumin.


Functional Foods: Safety Aspects

(G. Eisenbrand, Ed). Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft,

Senate Commission on Food Safety, Wiley-VCH Verlag, Weinheim, pp. 325-329 (2003).