killed in this vicious conflict, known as the narco war, yet the cartels continue
to fight with each other, as well as with Mexican authorities.
As the southernmost nation in North America, Mexico is located between
the United States to the north and the Latin American countries to the
south. Mexico shares the language, heritage, and customs of much of Latin
America—but it also has strong emotional and economic bonds with its
northern neighbor. Living so close to the United States, Mexicans see the
wealth and opportunities enjoyed by many Americans. They want these same
benefits for themselves. As a result, millions of Mexicans have opted to leave
their homeland and
to the United States, hoping to find a better
life there. Many Mexicans follow legal channels when they come to the U.S.
looking for work; however, some sneak across the border illegally. If they are
caught, they will be sent back to Mexico.
Mexican Facts and Figures
A homeless woman sleeps on
a street in Mexico City. The
gap between the wealthy and
poor is a major problem in
Mexico, as more than half of
the population—over 60
million people—lives below
the poverty line.