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put it up to the fur. It instantly caught aflame and the dark cave was illuminated and the ice sparkled

with the light. The three hunters continued following the cave as the sounds of the blizzard grew duller.

“This isn’t a cave it’s a tunnel.” muttered Hob. “And that sound is getting annoying.”

“Shhhh.” snapped Dolan. “We’re almost there.”

“How do you know?” asked Jacks.

“When you participate in the great hunt this year you will learn to use senses other than your

eyes. I’ve been in five in my lifetime. The more you do, the sharper you hearing will get.”

“Great hunt?”

Dolan chuckled. “I forgot, there hasn’t been one in 10 years. It’s when all of the villages get

together for a great festival. Happens with the summer solstice. Each village sends two members to

participate in a great hunt, a competition. Whoever brings back the largest Cleaver wins.”

Jack’s eyes widened. He was almost killed by a Cleaver. And Dolan has probably hunted far

more fierce and large in his time. He wasn’t just hunting with a man anymore, he was hunting with a


The humming was now very loud and the walls of the cave seemed to shudder. The orange glow

of the torch was then overwhelmed by a blue light. In front of the three hunters was a massive contrap-

tion with four coffin shaped objects protruding out from a tall metal shaft. At the top of the metal shaft

was a blinking blue light.

“Do you see that Dolan, or am I more drunk than I thought?” asked Hob.

“I see it.” Dolan stayed a good distance away from it.

What is this thing?

Jack walked past Dolan towards the contraption.

“Jack, what are you doing?”

“Checking this thing out. It’s not everyday that you find something other than snow out here.”

Dolan grumbled. A closer look at the coffins showed that this was what the cleaver was clawing

at, but why?

“Ummm, Dolan, Hob. You might wanna see this.”

Dolan trudged towards the coffin that Jacks was looking at. The coffin has a section that was see

through, like clear ice. Inside of it was a young women, no older than 19. Below the clear portion was

a series of numbers. On the side were lights a several switches. One light kept going up and down in a

rhythmic pattern of peaks and valleys. Dolan mind went from curious to cautious. This was not some-

thing they were supposed to mess with.

“Let’s go.”

“What!! She is trapped in this thing!” exclaimed Jacks. “We have to free her.”

“This thing is obviously not to be messed with. We don’t even know what it is. And I prefer to

leave it that way. Now let’s go.”

“Hob.” said Jacks as he looked at the eldest man.

“I agree with Dolan. This thing is best left alone.”

“Aghhhh.” uttered Jack in frustration. He took a glance at the thing. “Fine. Let’s go home.” He

gave the coffin a good kick.

Suddenly the Thing’s humming was replace with a high pitch squealing sound as if it was

crying out in pain from Jack’s kick. The coffins all of a sudden were pulled up by the Thing and stood

vertically. Then the lids opened one by one.