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Dr. Brent Clark

There will be a shift in the political atmosphere in

Springfield this coming January with the inaugurations

of our state’s newly elected lawmakers and governor on

January 9 and January 14, respectively.

Both the House and Senate chambers of the 101st

Illinois General Assembly will also have Democratic

super-majorities. Forty-three new legislators, including

appointments, either recently have or will take office in

January. A lot of these freshmen legislators will be flexing

their muscles to bring campaign promises and hopeful

political change to Springfield. But, political reality says

they will have a tough time going up against the financial

nemesis, the 50 year pension repayment ramp, that

continues to plague Illinois. In my opinion, this is the single

largest issue facing our state and is going to have to be

dealt with sooner rather than later if the state is going

to move forward fiscally. However, I remain confident

compromises will be made and cooperation from all sides

will be present to address critical issues with this new

change in administration.

Governor-Elect Pritzker has announced his 35-person

Education for Success transition team comprised of

school superintendents and many other representatives

from the education community. This transition team will

tackle many important issues facing public education

that need to be addressed in order to ensure maximum

educational success for all students. These education

issues are multi-faceted and present unique challenges,

especially considering the overall strain on Illinois’ budget.

This education transition team will have an important role

in helping to vet and craft key education policies for the

Pritzker administration. The team is scheduled to meet

multiple times between now and inauguration day and

there is already some discussion of keeping the group

together through the end of the spring session.

CompromisePossible inNew

Political Environment

Message From the Executive Director


Back in early August, we started the process of

refreshing the Vision 20/20 document to have it ready for

the next gubernatorial administration. We are putting the

final touches on this document and it will go to Pritzker’s

team soon. Next month in Leadership Matters, we plan to

detail the latest on Vision 20/20. Stay tuned.

One recent development with Vision 20/20 I can share

is HB 4284 becoming law after lawmakers convincingly

overrode the governor’s veto during veto session. The

initiative requires three active educators to serve on the

Illinois State Board of Education board. We have tried to

pass this bill for several years and are pleased because

it provides professional expertise that will help guide

the implementation of state initiatives and help ensure

that oversight and regulatory efforts positively impact

student learning.

Lastly, I know many of you have been busy this fall in

preparing your district Strategic Dashboard that helps tell

your school district’s success story as a supplement to

the Illinois School Report Card. This issue of Leadership

Matters promotes some of the dashboards that are

now complete and also is a quick reminder to turn

your Strategic Dashboards live and tag your posts with


. Here at

you will see other live school district Strategic

Dashboards and it’s a central-hub for sharing

successes about Illinois public schools. We are

going to be capturing this online data and plan to

use it to share with legislators this Spring.