Electromagnetic Interferences (EMI)
Electromagnetic Interferences are generated by currents which
flow into the electronic circuitry of instrumentation. Some electro-
magnetic interferences originate in nature through atomospheric
phenomena, such as lightning and static electricity.
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directives define two categories
(illustrated below).
Each category is further sub-divided into:
• Conducted EMI propagated by wires (such
as power or connection cables)
• Radiated EMI spread through the air
The effects of these electromagnetic interferences are the main
cause for:
• Incorrect equipment operation and therefore,
inaccurate measurements
• Damage to the equipment, itself
International Governing bodies have defined the EMI tolerance limits
for electronic instruments. The aim is to limit EMI effects and to reach
an Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) that permits all electronic
devices to operate normally, and in proximity with each other, without
having an adverse effect on their operation.
Electromagnetic Compatibility
Electromagnetic Compatibility of an instrument means that electro-
magnetic interferences will not compromise its functionality, and at
the same time, the meter itself will not generate interferences which
may affect other equipment. In Europe, the CE mark on a product
means compliance with the EMC Directives. The products must
meet the directives before they can be legally sold. The CE Directive
referring the the “Conducted and Radiated Emissions” is designated
as EN 50081-1, while EN 50082-1 defines the prerequisites for
“Susceptibility to the Conducted and Radiated EMI”.
The “Mission Statement” of Hanna’s Research and Development is
“a complete dedication in designing electroanalytical instruments to
monitor and safeguard the environment, in compliance with the CE
Directives”. The following provides a short list of the significance of CE
Norms and howwe comply with them.
CE Mark Definition and Compliance
All industries make use of electronic instrumentation for their daily operations. The increased use of electronic
equipment in many industries means that more instruments are used together and in conjunction with each other, often
in a very restricted area.
Proximity of equipment has increased the likelihood of interferences between various instruments, as well as the
instruments and the environment surrounding them. Improper operation of the equipment may result from these
undesired Electromagnetic Interferences (EMI).
Directives which sets standards
for the amount of EMI a device
can withstand and still operate
normally and without incurring
any damage.
Emission Directives
Restrict the amplitude of the
signals emerging from a device.
• Radiated Susceptibility
Our instruments are not susceptible to
radiation generated by other equipment
that in turn can cause improper
operation, such as, automatic switching
off and/or inaccurate measurements.
• Radiated Emissions
The Hanna meters do not emit
radiation that might cause improper
functioning of other equipment in
their proximity (such as switching off
and/or inaccurate measurements).
• Susceptibility to Conducted Interferences
This is caused mainly by power leads
or signal/control cables connecting
different devices, which could result in
malfunctioning or permanent damage.
Hanna products come with this protection
• Electrostatic Discharges
Hanna equipment is not susceptible to
static electricity from users or objects,
whether due to direct contact or
proximity. This kind of discharge can cause
severe damage to other equipment.
Compliance with the CE Directives,
ensures reliability and accuracy for
products manufactured by Hanna.