by the appropriate deposit. No deposit is payable for
infants under two years of age at the time of outbound
travel. The person signing the booking form confirms that
he/she has the authority of all other persons specified in
the booking form to effect the booking on their behalf and
that such persons grant their authority to the said booking
customer to sign the said booking form and accept and
agree to this Agreement on their behalf. The person
effecting the booking is also accepting this Agreement
on his/her own behalf. If the customer/s is booking a late-
offer Holiday any information as well as any terms and
conditions relative to such offer form an integral part of the
customer’s agreement. Should the customer/s require any
clarifications, he/she may contact the Company or his/her
travel agent for assistance.
The balance of price is due for payment in full not less
than 8 weeks prior to departure (can be earlier for certain
Holidays, ask at time of booking). If the customer’s travel
agent fails to pay the Company the amount due on the
customer’s Holiday in full (less the applicable commission)
by the due date, the Company shall be under no legal
obligation to supply the customer with his/her Holiday, so
it is up to the customer to ensure that his/her travel agent
pays the Company. If for any reason the balance on the
customer’s Holiday is not received by the Company by the
due date, the Company reserves the right to cancel the
booking and levy a cancellation charge, as though there
had been a cancellation on the part of the customer/s.
Payments by credit card are not accepted. No payments
by cheque shall be accepted less than 14 days before the
scheduled departure date.
Should the customer wish to change his/her Holiday
arrangements in any manner, the Company shall attempt
to accommodate the customer’s wishes. However, in
such circumstances, the Company shall not be held liable
in any manner for failing in any way to accommodate
the customer’s particular wishes. A handling fee will be
charged by the Company for any change to a booking
within 6 weeks prior to the departure date apart from the
Company’s unconditional right to pass on to the customer
any costs incurred which are additional to the standard
handling fee chargeable in terms of this clause. Where the
price varies according to the number of persons booked
into the accommodation and the number of persons
requires amendment, the price will be varied in order to
reflect the amended party size as specified in the relevant
brochure/information sheet. Any increase in the price per
person payable as a result of a part cancellation (e.g. for a
hotel room under-occupancy- changing from twin room to
single room) is not tantamount to a cancellation charge.
A separate cancellation charge will be levied in respect of
bookings cancelled, in accordance with clause 13 below.
Where the customer is prevented from proceeding with
the Holiday, the customer may in certain circumstances,
transfer his/her booking to a person (as transferee) who
satisfies all the conditions applicable to the Holiday,
provided that the Company is given at least 14 days notice
prior to the scheduled departure date, of the customer’s
intention to transfer the booking. An administrative charge
of €50 per person will be charged for every transfer of
booking the Company makes. In the case of cruises, the
administrative charge for every transfer of booking made
by the Company is of €175 per person.
The Company shall also charge the customer for any extra
costs caused by the transfer of booking. In some cases,
airlines or cruise liners may refuse to allow customers to
transfertheirbookings. Regrettably, inthesecircumstances,
the customer cannot transfer his/her booking.
If the customer transfers his/her booking to someone else,
the transferee must purchase separate insurance cover.
When a booking is transferred, the transferor and transferee
shall be jointly and severally liable for the payment of the
price of the Holiday or, if the price has been partly paid, for
payment of the balance, and for any additional costs and
expenses arising from such transfer.
A cancellation shall only be accepted in writing from the
person who signed the booking form or in writing from the
customer’s travel agent through whom the booking was
The cancellation shall be effective from the date it is
received at the Company’s offices. In the event of a
cancellation either in respect of one or all persons named
on the booking form, the Company’s scale of cancellation
charges will be levied, which charges are based on the
estimated expenses and losses suffered by the Company
consequent to such cancellation/s. The scale of cancellation
charges follows for the customer’s reference: -
Period prior to scheduled departure date within which
written notification of cancellation must be received by the
Amount of cancellation charge as a % of the total price of
Holiday inclusive of extras but exclusive of insurance premia
29 –60 days
25% or deposit whichever higher
15 – 28 days
50% or deposit whichever higher
7 – 14 days
75% or deposit whichever higher
6 days or less or after departure date 100%
* or applicable deposit amount per person of two years of
age and over, whichever is the higher.
Cruises bear a 100% cancellation fee if cancelled less than
65 days prior to the scheduled departure date. If cruises
are cancelled between 65 days and 120 days prior to the
scheduled departure date, only the deposit is lost. If the
cancellation of a cruise is made more than 120 days before
the scheduled departure date, no cancellation fees apply.
In respect of scheduled services and charter flights, sea
charges set out above applies only in the event that any air/
sea/coach/rail tickets issued are returned to the Company,
otherwise a 100% cancellation charge as prescribed in the
above table would be applicable in any circumstances. The
customer should note that if the cancellation falls within
the terms of his/her insurance cover, he/she may be able to
claim a refund of his/her cancellation charges from his/her
insurance company.
This booking order constitutes an agreement between
ROCS Travel and/or Charichelon Company Limited and/
or Directions Travel Agency and the client for all intents
and purposes of the law. The cancellation policy clauses
included within this booking order shall not apply in the
case of instant purchase air tickets and or accommodation
/ transfer services. In such cases, the full fare is payable at
the time of the booking and in non-refundable irrespective
of whether the said tickets at utilized or not.
It is highly recommended that customers take out the
travel insurance policy recommended by the Company for
themselves and for those other persons for whom booking
customers have booked, or that they arrange for an
insurance policy themselves giving comparable or better
cover under all sections.
1. It is the responsibility of the customer who effected
the booking to verify and ensure that himself/herself
and the person/s on whose behalf he/she is effecting
a booking are in possession of valid passports (which
are valid for at least 6 months after the customer’s
scheduled date of return to Malta) and any appropriate
visas. All customers are to make sure that they check
passport and visa requirements as well as health
formalities with the competent authorities well in
advance of their scheduled departure. The customer
is responsible for any charges, fines, damages and any
other claims and liability that may be levied or put
forward by any Maltese or foreign authority or entity
for non-compliance with the laws and/or regulations
in the relevant area and any such amounts will be
recharged to the customer.
2. It is the customer’s responsibility to verify with his/her
doctor as to what vaccinations and inoculations are
advisable for the chosen destination.
3. Airline regulations state that women twenty-eight
weeks or more into pregnancy at the time of return
travel must have a medical certificate revealing fitness
to travel.
4. The booking customer shall ensure and be responsible
for a reasonable standard of behaviour by himself/
herself and by those persons for whom he/she has
booked. The Company reserves the right to decline
to accept or retain any person/s as a customer/s if his/
her behaviour is, in the Company’s opinion or in the
opinion of the airline pilot, hotelier or accommodation
proprietor or manager or other person in authority,
likely to cause distress, danger, damage or annoyance
to other customers, employees, other people or to
property. The customer fully and unconditionally
understands and agrees that the Company in such
circumstances shall not be held liable in any manner,
including but not limited to liability to pay any refund,
costs, compensation or damages incurred by any
person whose behaviour is accordingly deemed to be
5. Any and all children travelling on a reduced price
Holiday must be less than 12 years of age at the date
of travel. The Company does not normally check
passports to verify the dates of birth of a customer,
including children. Should a customer booked as a
child result to be twelve years or older on the date of
travel, he/she will not be permitted to board the plane/
Customers with special needs are welcome by the
Company provided they are accompanied by an able-
bodied companion and do not require special assistance
from the Company’s personnel or representatives. The
Company reserves the right to refuse to accept anyone as
a customer if it is felt by the Company that the individual
cannot cope with the requirements of the particular
tour organized by it and/or who may require services
or facilities that the Company cannot guarantee will be
available. The Company does not feel that it is possible for
it to provide the level of assistance required by a customer
with special needs whilst on a tour organized by it without
compromising its commitment to other individuals on the
tour. Customers are kindly advised to inform the Company
before booking if they have any disability or pre-existing
medical condition and the Company will be happy to
advise them accordingly.
Whilst the Company welcomes customers of 70 years
and over, it is a requirement of insurance companies, that
prior to departure they receive a letter from such persons’
doctors confirming that such persons are fit and well
enough to go on the chosen Holiday. We regret that we
can only accept customers of 80 years and over, if they are
accompanied by a younger and fit person whilst on Holiday.
This booking order constitutes an agreement between
ROCS Travel and/or Charichelon Company Limited and/
or Directions Travel Agency and the client for all intents
and purposes of the law. The cancellation policy clauses
included within this booking order shall not apply in the
case of instant purchase air tickets and or accommodation
/ transfer services. In such cases, the full fare is payable at
the time of the booking and in non-refundable irrespective
of whether the said tickets at utilized or not.
The Company will do its utmost to ensure that its
customers have an enjoyable Holiday. However, should the
customer have any difficulty or complaint relating to the
overseas part of his/her Holiday, the customer must at the
earliest opportunity notify in writing or other appropriate
form the supplier of the goods or services concerned at
the place where the goods or services were supplied and
the Company’s tour leader or representative or agent in
the particular place outside Malta or the Company in order
for the matter to be investigated and seen to as soon as
possible. Moreover, the customer must notify the Company
in writing, of the complaint within 7 days of the date of his/
her return from the Holiday. This because of the difficulties
of investigating a complaint long after the event. The
Company shall not accept any liability in respect of claims
received by it in writing after the aforementioned 7 day
period and/or which have not been reported as aforesaid
to the supplier of the goods or services concerned and
the Company’s tour leader or representative or agent in
the particular place outside Malta or the Company at the
earliest opportunity.
Any schedules and attachments to this Agreement
shall form an integral part thereof and shall be read,
construed, understood and applicable as one document.
This Agreement shall be interpreted and construed in
accordance with Maltese Law and the Maltese Courts/
Tribunals shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any claim or
dispute under this Agreement.
Apart from the customer making the booking, any and
all persons in respect of whom and on whose behalf the
customer making the booking has effected a booking
in respect of a Holiday, shall also be considered to be
customers and all the clauses in this Agreement, including
any schedules and attachments thereto shall be applicable
in the same manner and to the same extent in respect
thereof as they are applicable in respect of the customer
who effected the booking.