Ri gh t:Pio nee rPete ge ts a s ho es hin e
"M ao !Wh ere 'veyo u be en ?"
"An dfu rth er mor e, I ha teco nv er tib le s"
Tr ad itio na lHome comi ngac tiviti es ,spo nso red this
year by the Un ive rsityof San Diego Ma sque rs,were en
live ned by man y new ac tiv itie s.Among these were the
sin g-alo ngpa rti es in the La rk, Pom-Pom pa rtie s,Blu e
and Wh ite Day, and the crazy an tics of jolly ham s who
made conta gio usthe es pr itde corps fo r wh ich the Mas
quers ar e known .
The pr og rammingof the fest ivities and en ter tai n
me nt was alwa ys me rry , although no t neces sar ilyalway s
coor din ate d.
, ,
At tra ct iveMa rci a West reig ned as 19 60 Homecom
ing Queen .