Cushman & Wakefield
Thebuilding isprimarily servedby four rooftop, “boxcar”
packaged units with electric heat manufactured
by Trane. Two of the rooftop package units have a
cooling capacity of 130-tons, each, while the remaining
two have a cooling capacity of 90-tons and 75-tons.
The system is managed by a Trane Tracer Summit
Building Automation System. Heating is provided by
inline electric duct heaters attached to the perimeter
variable air volume (VAV) boxes. The VAV units are
controlled by direct digital controllers (DDC). The duct
heaters in the exterior VAV units are utilized to reheat
the primary air.
Ameren provides underground electrical service from
a pad-mounted transformer. Power is fed from a
transformer to a 4,000-Amp, 480/277-Volt, GE main
switchgear located in the main electrical room.
The elevators consist of three Otis 3,500 pound
capacity passenger elevators, and with an Otis 4,500
pound capacity passenger/freight elevator and each is
rated at 350 FPM.
The building is equipped with an automatic wet-type
sprinkler system utilizing steel piping and heat sensitive
sprinkler heads with fusible links.
Fire Alarm System
The Building is provided with hard-wired annunciated
smoke detectors, duct detectors, heat detectors, and
manual pull stations, which are located throughout the
building. Simplex 4010 fire alarm panel is located in
the first floor main electrical room.
Sewer: Metropolitan Sewer District
Water: Missouri American Water
Electricity: Ameren UE
Local Phone: SBC