5 ^
Hock Cmp
No. 4.
Take some thin slices of pine-apple instead of the
Hock Cup,
No. 5.
Take to each bottle of hock two highly favoured
peaches peeled and cut in slices. Sugar as above.
Champagne Cup.
To a bottle of champagne add a wine-glass of
Madeira or sherry a liqueur-glass of MaraschinOj two
slices of Seville orange-peel; and one slice of lemon-
peel. Before drinking, pour in a bottle of seltzer-
water, and serve with a sprig of verbena or a very
small piece of thinly cut peeling of cucumber.
Moselle Cup
No. 1.
To a bottle of Moselle add a sweet orange sliced, a
leaf or two of mint, sage^ borage^ and the black
currant. Let this stand for three hours} strain off,
and sweeten to taste with clarified sugar.
Moselle Cup,
To each bottle of still or sparkling Moselle add one
bottle of soda-water^ a glass of sherry or brandy^ four
orfive thin slices of pine-apple
tbe peel of half a lemon
cut very thin, and powdered sugar according to taste;
let the whole stand about an hour, and before serving
add some lumps of clear ice.