Professional Managers
Membership Grant Program
The information provided on this page will remain confidential until recipients are selected. Please complete the application and contact the chapter
office if you have any questions.
Work Street Address: _______________________________________________________________________________
City/ State/ Zip: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Phone No: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Email Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________ _
Current Employer: _________________________________________________________________________________
Number of Years in the industry: _____________________________________________________________________
Current CAI Certification/ Designations: ____CMCA ____AMS ____PCAM ____ LSM
Have you attended CAI-NJ events in the past? YES NO
The Emerging Professional Managers Membership Grant Program provides a one-year manager membership in the New Jersey
chapter of Community Associations Institute to emerging professional managers who are new to CAI-NJ membership and
interested in becoming involved in the organization. This grant program is intended for professional community association
managers who have never been CAI-NJ members before.
The award consists of a full one-year manager membership in the New Jersey chapter of Community Associations Institute
valued at $149. Ten awards will be given for this application cycle.
The Emerging Professional Managers Grant Program is intended to open membership in CAI-NJ for managers new to the
organization. An emerging manager for these purposes is defined as a manager, regardless of age, who is new to the field of
community association management or CAI-NJ who is actively working in the field of community association management.
Applications will be accepted for the Emerging Professional Managers Grant Program from April 1, 2019, through April 30, 2019.
To apply, complete the form and return to CAI-NJ by April 30, 2019. Submit an application today to be considered for the current
award cycle!
To ensure confidential and anon-
ymous selection, please provide a
confidential four-digit code that
will be printed on your entry.
___ ___ ___ ___
(Please avoid something like “1234”
to avoid duplicating another
entrant’s code.)