Concerning the Curriculum
Cocktails by the names of Futurity, Suburban, and
so on, celebrated the triumphs of James R. Keene and
his racing cohorts and other famous stable-owners on
near-by courses. A famous picture of a naked girl in the
waves, sold under the name of "September Morii," was
perpetuated-at least it was so thought-by a Waldorf
cocktail. However, that cocktail was not a brand-new
composition-;simply a Clover Club cocktail in which
Gin gave place to Bacardi Rum; the real Clover Club
being composed of the juice of half a Lemon, half a tea–
spoonful of Sugar,,half a pony of Raspberry Syrup, one–
quarter of a pony White of an Egg, and a jigger of Gin.
The Spanish-American War produced distinctive
drink nomenclature. The guns of Santiago awakened re–
verberation in the Waldorf Bar, and shook up what was
termed a Santiago Sour-not, however, strictly a cock–
tail; no more was Robson's Kiss, reminiscent of an epi–
sode that, alas! served to discredit the herq of the
Then there was a Schley punch, a Shafter cocktail,
and another which took its name-from Admiral Dewey,
victor at Manila Bay:.,
And when these are named, one has not really begun
on the list of appetizers available tG those who resorted
at regular times to what was long the most famous ex–
positor of the American School of Drinking. As I have
said, their nomenclature deserves to live in history, of
which it is a part. More, if only to clarify that portion
of history with data furnishing contributory evidence-–
if further proof is impossible-their composition is im–
portant to the. historian, and some day will so prove to
the antiquarian, who will no doubt find material for
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