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know being satisfied if the bottle was queer and squat and

bore the initials "D.O.M." Voltage,


BIITERS-Beverages containing alcohol, together with a

component for cathartic effect. Best known varieties: An–

gostura, made from the bark of a South American tree;

Calisaya, synonymous wit;h cinchona or quinine, also of

South Americah origin; Orange; Boonekamp, made in Ger–

many; Baker's, Amer


(which a stenographer rendered

for me "American Pecan>-" but which was really a French

proprietary proposition); Hostetter's, West Indies, Pepsin,

Peychaud (made in New Orleans); Fernet Branca, etc. So

named from the


bitter taste.

BRANDY-(Sometimes called "cognac," from a town in

France noted for its manufacture.) Alcoholic liquor distilled

from wine.




meaning "burnt

wine." Was also made from the juice of apricots, peaches,


other fruit by distillation, and called liqueur.

Cognac was often called for by the name of its maker: e.g.,

"Hennessy," or "Martel"; though it was often referred to

by the symbol printed on its label,"***" or"*****,"

as indulgers frequently proved unable to read when ready

for an encore. Voltage,,


CHARTREUSE-A distillation with brandy of certain rare

herbs, used as a cordial or liqueur.


name was derived

from the fact that Chartreuse, like Benedictine, owed its

invention to early French monks, who knew about what

they wanted and got it. These monks were of the Carthu–

sian Order, and the liqueur was made only at their mon–

astery in the Grande Chartreuse, in the French Alps. The

formula for its preparation was said to be known only to

the Father Superior of the Order. When the monks were

expelled from France, in


they spirited the secret of

its preparation to Tarragona, in Spain, whence comes an

herb much esteemed by gourmets in the treatment of vine–

gar. Rival manufactories were then set up in France, but


