Additional Information
Constitutive Documents and Bylaws
2016 Registration Document
Shareholders’ Meeting, of one or more shareholders holding at
least 2% of the Company’s share capital or voting rights.
In the event of a failure to comply with the above provisions, the
legal penalties for breach of the obligation to report crossing a
legal threshold shall apply to thresholds provided for in the
bylaws only upon the request, recorded in the minutes of the
Subject to the above provisions, this obligation under the bylaws
is governed by the same provisions as those governing the legal
obligation, including with respect to shares deemed to be held.
provided or a breach of the above obligation by the person in
question to the public and to the Company’s shareholders in
accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
The Company reserves the right to report the information
voting rights held by a shareholder decreases to below any of
the thresholds referred to above.
The same reporting obligation, with the same deadline and
terms, applies each time the proportion of the share capital or
Financial Statements (articles
37, 38 and 39 of the Bylaws)
Legal Reserve
reserve fund whenever the amount in such fund is less than 10%
of the share capital.
Five percent of each fiscal year’s profit, after deduction of losses
carried forward from previous years, if any, is allocated to a legal
Approval of Dividends
The General Shareholders’ Meeting votes on the payment of
dividends in accordance with articles L.
232-12 to L.
232-18 of the
French Commercial Code. The General Shareholders’ Meeting
may give shareholders the option to receive payment in cash or
in new shares of the Company, pursuant to legal conditions.
whose admission to such a market or trading facility will not
occur in connection with such distribution, the shareholders
have the right to choose between payment in cash and the
delivery of such securities.
reserves in kind in the form of assets or securities. In the event
of the distribution of securities that are not listed on a regulated
market or traded on an organized multilateral trading facility, or
The General Shareholders’ Meeting may also decide, upon the
proposal of the Board of Directors, to distribute any profit or
Control of the Issuer
effect of delaying, postponing or preventing a change of control
of the Company.
There are no provisions either in the Company’s Bylaws or in
any internal charter or rules of procedure that could have the