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COB Rules for Multiple Commercial Carriers


plans are always

primary over

Individual Plans




vs. Individual

Subscriber Rule

Effective Date Rule

If covered by two

EGHPs, the policy

with the earliest

effective date is


If a dependent is

covered by more

than one EGHP with

different subscribers,

the primary policy

will be based off of

whoever’s birth date

(MM/DD) occurs first

A person covered by

two EGHPs, one

through active

employment and

one as a retiree– the

policy through

active employment

is primary,

regardless of who

owns the policy

Retiree Rule

Birthday Rule

Gender Rule

If a dependent is

covered by more

than one EGHP with

different subscribers

and the Birthday rule

is not followed, when

possible, the male

subscriber’s policy is

primary over the

female subscriber’s


If a dependent (child) is covered by an EGHP from each

parent who is divorced or legally separated (or never

married), the primary policy is determined by


The court


If the court does not determine the primary

policy, it is determined by the custody agreement

Legal custodial parent’s policy is primary

Joint custody follows the Birthday rule to

determine the primary policy

Divorce/Legal Separation Rule

The policy holder’s

policy is primary

over another policy

where they are a

covered dependent