Patricia Brown Holmes
Outgoing President
The Chicago Bar Association
Report of the Election Committee
Introduction of Officers and Board of Managers
Treasurer’s Report
Remarks by Outgoing President
Presentation of Lincoln Gavel to Incoming President
Daniel M. Kotin
The Chicago Bar Association
Thursday, June 23, 2016
The Chicago Bar Association
Officers 2016-2017
President--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Daniel M. Kotin
First Vice President ----------------------------------------------------------Hon. Thomas R. Mulroy
Second Vice President----------------------------------------------------------------Steven M. Elrod
Secretary-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jesse H. Ruiz
Treasurer ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maurice Grant
Immediate Past President --------------------------------------------------Patricia Brown Holmes
Ashly I. Boesche
Alan R. Borlack*
Hon. Maureen E. Connors
Mary K. Curry
Hon. Thomas M. Durkin*
Hon. Shelvin Louise
Marie Hall*
Robert F. Harris*
Matthew T. Jenkins
Michele M. Jochner*
Kathryn Carso Liss*
Pamela S. Menaker*
Paul J. Ochmanek, Jr.*
Eileen M. O’Connor
Nigel F. Telman
Board of Managers 2016-2017
Outgoing Members of the Board of Managers
The Chicago Bar Association
143rd Annual Meeting
The Standard Club
320 S. Plymouth Court, Chicago
Reception ............................. 11:30 a.m.
(2nd fl., Living Room)
Luncheon ............................. 12:00 p.m.
(5th fl., Grand Ballroom)
$70 per person
$700 table of ten
Call Tamra Drees at 312-554-2057 or
Please make your reservations
by June 20, 2016.
Seating is limited.
Sponsored exclusively by LexisNexis.
Frank G. Tuzzolino
AndrewW. Vail*
Allison L. Wood
*New Members of the Board
Karina Ayala-Bermejo
Thomas F. Boleky
Chasity A. Boyce
Daniel A. Cotter
James R. FortCamp
Natacha D. McClain
Matthew A. Passen
Meredith E. Ritchie
David J. Scriven-Young
Hon. Amy J. St. Eve
John T. Theis