Any unintended event, including operating errors, equipment failures,
initiating events, accident precursors, near misses or other mishaps, or
unauthorized act, malicious or non-malicious, the consequences or
potential consequences of which are not negligible from the point of view of
protection or safety.
(IAEA Safety Glossary, 2007)
Radiation incident
The delivery of radiation during a course of RT is other than intended by
prescription, and could have or did result in unnecessary harm to the
(Towards safer radiotherapy, BJR 2008)
An unplanned
, undesired
event that hinders completion of a task and may
cause injury, illness, or property damage or some combination of all three in
varying degrees from minor to catastrophic. Unplanned and undesired do
not mean
unable to prevent.
does not mean
unable to prevent!