Pharmacology • Dosage Calculation
Henke’s Med-Math: Dosage Calculation, Preparation &
Administration, Seventh Edition
Susan Buchholz, RN, MSN
978-1-60831-799-8 • November 2011 • Softbound • 10.875” x 8.375” • 250 Illus.
This best-selling text features a highly visual, hands-on approach to
learning dosage calculations and principles of drug administration. It
presents step-by-step approaches to solving problems and includes
dosage problems that simulate actual clinical experience. Each chapter
includes numerous examples, self-tests, and proficiency tests.
• One of the leading dosage calculation texts on the market.
• Uses all methods of dosage calculation.
• Medication administration videos, dosage calculation quizzes, and a
dosage calculation tool are available to students on thePoint.
• Instructor Resources on thePoint include a Test Generator and
PowerPoint Presentations.
Table of Contents
Ch. 1:
Arithmetic Needed for Dosage
Ch. 2:
Metric, Apothecary, and
Household Systems of Measurement
Ch. 3:
Drug Abbreviations, Labels, and
Ch. 4:
Calculation of Oral Medications
—Solids and Liquids
Ch. 5:
Liquids for Injection
Ch. 6:
Calculation of Basic IV Drip
Ch. 7:
Special Types of Intravenous
Ch. 8:
Dosage Problems for Infants
and Children
Ch. 9:
Information Basic to
Administering Drugs
Ch. 10:
Administration Procedures
Appendix A:
Proficiency Test Answers
Appendix B:
Putting it Together
Henke’s Med-Math, Eighth Edition
Susan Buchholz, RN, MSN
978-1-4963-0284-7 • October 2015 • Softbound