Research • Statistic & Theory
Understanding Research for Evidence-Based Practice,
Fourth Edition
Cherie R. Rebar, PhD, RN, MBA
978-1-4511-9107-3 • October 2014 • Softbound • 7” x 10” • 384 pp. • 77Tables
Understanding Research for Evidence-Based Practice
helps develop
the knowledge and skills you need to become a research-literate,
evidence-based practitioner with this user-friendly book. Mirroring the
way practicing nurses read research reports, the book begins with a
research article’s conclusion — the section that most directly addresses
the clinical meaning of a research study — and works “backward”
through each section in the research article.
Organized around user-centered questions, such as how conclusions
were reached, which patients the conclusions apply to, and how the
study was done, each chapter begins with a clinical case that identifies
the clinical question the nurse is seeking to answer, followed by one or
two published research articles that directly relate to the clinical case.
Additional graphics appeal to visual learners and enhance
Comprehensive coverage of systematic reviews, mixed
methods, statistics, and evidence-based models has been added,
including the AAAAA Evidence-Based Practice Model (Duke, 2010.)
Online Video Tutorials demonstrate how to work through
research studies and theories.
• Help your students see the relevance of research to clinical practice
through the authors’ unique approach that allows them learn about
research methodology in a natural, intuitive way.
• Motivate your students with Rebar & Gersch Evidence-Based Bridge
Theory — a theory that helps them understand how becoming
research literate will help their clinical practice.
• Increase your students’ understanding of difficult, abstract concepts
through additional graphics that appeal to visual learners.
• Broaden your students’ knowledge with enhanced coverage of
systematic reviews and mixed method research, including the
AAAAA Evidence-Based Practice Model.
• Help your students become savvy consumers of research with
the book’s easy-to-understand review of the basic statistical
information necessary for interpreting research studies.
• Broaden your students’ understanding with clinical cases that
reflect nursing practice in a variety of settings, from acute care to
public health and across a range of specialties.
Table of Contents
Ch. 1:
Evidence-Based Healthcare:
Using Research in Practice
Ch. 2:
The Research Process:
Components and Language of
Research Reports
Ch. 3:
Discussions and Conclusions
Ch. 4:
Descriptive Results
Ch. 5:
Inferential Results
Ch. 6:
Ch. 7:
Ethics: What Can Go Wrong?
Ch. 8:
Data Collection Methods
Ch. 9:
Research Designs: Planning
the Study
Ch. 10:
Background and the Research
Ch. 11:
The Research Process
Appendix A:
Research Articles
Appendix B:
Characteristics as Predictors of
Nursing Students’ Choice of Type of
Clinical Practice
Appendix C:
Sample In-Class Data
Collection Tool
Appendix D:
In-Class Study Data for
Practice Exercise in Chapter 5