Evidence-based Critical Thinking
sections explain how nurses
analyze findings and take the next steps to address patients’
concerns. Sections include
Common Laboratory and Diagnostic
Testing, Nursing Diagnosis/Outcomes/ Interventions, Organizing and
Prioritizing, Collaboration withOther Health Care Professionals
, and
Applying Your Knowledge
Tables of Abnormal Findings
cluster common abnormalities
related to the specific assessment with compare-and-contrast
information on key data points.
26. Newborns and Infants
27. Children and Adolescents
28. Older Adults
29. Hospitalized Adult Assessment
30. Head-to Toe Assessment of Adult
Nursing Health Assessment:
A Best Practice Approach, Taiwan Edition
Sharon Jensen, MN, RN
978-957-616-973-1 • June 2012 • Hardbound • 8.375” x 10.875”
Lippincott’s Nursing Health
Assessment Video Series
Lippincott Williams &Wilkins
A nursing specific Health Assesment video series consisting of six
volumes. Volume one presents the basics of nursing health assessment
and techniques of interviewing, performing the physical assessment,
and collecting data. Volume two covers foundational assessments.
Volumes three, four, five, and six systematically address assessment
of all the body systems. This video series can be used in conjunction
with any nursing health assessment text. The content is appropriate for
undergraduate nursing students.
978-1-60831-094-4 • Student DVD-ROM • December 2010
978-1-60831-097-5 • Institutional DVD-ROM • December 2010
978-1-60831-096-8 • Streaming Video • December 2010
Pocket Guide for Nursing Health Assessment:
A Best Practice Approach, Second Edition
Sharon Jensen, MN, RN
978-1-4511-9369-5 •November2014 •Softbound •4”x7”
Laboratory Manual for Nursing Health Assessment:
A Best Practice Approach, Second Edition
Sharon Jensen, MN, RN
978-1-4511-9370-1 •October2014 •Softbound •8.375”x10.875”