Licensed Practical / Vocational Nursing
Workbook for Introductory Medical-Surgical Nursing,
Eleventh Edition
Barbara K. Timby, RN, BC, BSN, MA
978-1-4511-8722-9 •October2013 •Softbound •8.375”x10.875” •384pp. •17 Illus.
Introductory Medical-Surgical Nursing, Eleventh Edition
Barbara K. Timby, RN, BC, BSN, MA
978-1-4511-7732-9 • October 2013 • Softbound • 8.375” x 10.875” • 1296 pp. • 560 Illus. • 230Tables
This best-selling text for LPN/LVN students provides comprehensive
coverage of introductory medical-surgical nursing concepts. The new
concept maps and hundreds of illustrations and photographs provide
visual support to the easy-to-read content. Using this text and its
related resources, students will acquire the practical knowledge and
skills necessary to succeed in providing safe and effective nursing care
to today’s clients.
New to this edition, the NCLEX
-style review questions, now integrated
within the chapter, help students recognize the connection between
the content and the NCLEX-PN
exam. The new
Practice Boxes
illustrate how research can impact nursing care. These
new features along with the proven features of the previous edition
provide the means to student success and fully prepare them for their
future as nurses.
NEW! Concept Map Feature
focuses students so that they can
think critically about the client’s situation. These maps, along with
the nursing process sections and nursing care plans, begin with a
short introductory case scenario allowing students to think about
the patient’s related needs in a concrete manner.
, integrated within the chapter, help
students understand how the NCLEX-PN
exam relates to the
chapter content.
Additional figures of diseases, procedures, signs, symptoms,
and abnormal vs. abnormal comparisons aid visual learners and
allow the picture to tell the story.
NEW! Evidence-Based Practice Boxes
include a Clinical Question,
Evidence, and Nursing Implications helping students to see the
connection between research and practice.
Gerontologic Considerations
challenge students to think about
how pathophysiology, signs and symptoms, or nursing care differ for
the older population.
Pharmacologic Considerations
highlight special considerations
nurses need to remember when administering or caring for clients
receiving specific drugs.
Table of Contents
Unit 1:
Nursing Roles and
Unit 2:
Client Care Concerns
Unit 3:
Foundations of Medical-
Surgical Nursing
Caring for Clients with
Multisystem Disorders
Caring for Clients with
Respiratory Disorders Introduction to
the Respiratory System
Caring for Clients with
Cardiovascular Disorders
Caring for Clients with
Hematopoietic and Lymphatic
Caring for Clients with
Immune Disorders
Caring for Clients with
Neurologic Disorders
UNIT 10:
Caring for Clients with
Sensory Disorders
UNIT 11:
Caring for Clients with
Gastrointestinal Disorders
UNIT 12:
Caring for Clients with
Endocrine Disorders
UNIT 13:
Caring for Clients with
Breast and Reproductive Disorders
UNIT 14:
Caring for Clients with
Urinary and Renal Disorders
UNIT 15:
Caring for Clients with
Musculoskeletal Disorders
UNIT 16:
Caring for Clients with
Integumentary Disorders
UNIT 17:
Caring for Clients with
Psychobiologic Disorders
. . . Abridged to fit