Anatomy & Physiology
Study Guide for Memmler’s
Structure and Function of the Human Body, Tenth Edition
Barbara Janson Cohen, BA, MEd
978-1-60913-901-8 •March2012 •Softbound •8.375”x10.875” •384pp. •210 Illus.
Memmler’s Structure and Function of the Human Body,
Tenth Edition
Barbara Janson Cohen, BA, MEd
978-1-60913-902-5 • April 2012 • Hardbound • 8.375” x 10.875” • 512 pp. • 408 Illus. • 53Tables
978-1-60913-900-1 • March 2012 • Softbound • 8.375” x 10.875” • 512 pp. • 408 Illus. • 53Tables
Based on
Memmler’s The Human Body in Health and Disease
, this
textbook is an excellent primer that focuses on normal anatomy
and physiology. With an accessible design and a robust multimedia
electronic ancillary package, the Tenth Edition is even more engaging
and understandable for students with diverse learning styles. It builds
on its solid foundation by seamlessly integrating the placement and
relationship of the art and text. A new Full Body insert has been added
to the text to assist students in performing a virtual dissection of the
human body from skin down to bone.
• Robust instructor and student ancillary packages including access
to the
to Success, an online learning center tailored to
learning styles.
• Updated design seamlessly integrates the placement and
relationship of the art and text, making it easier for students to
learn A&P.
• A new full-body transparency insert has been added to the text to
assist students in performing a virtual dissection of the human body
from skin down to bone.
• Real full-color dissection photographs from
Rohen’s Color Atlas of
Anatomy, 6e
show students exactly what they would experience in
a dissection lab.
• Icons point the students to related activities (animations, videos,
etc.) on the companion Website.
• Case Scenarios integrated throughout each chapter show students
how content is applied to real-life situations.
• Feature boxes include:
– A&P in Action boxes open each chapter with a familiar scenario
that integrates chapter content into a real-life setting, bringing
the information to life for students.
– A&P in Action Revisited boxes, which appear later in the chapter,
apply concepts the student learned in that chapter to the opening
Table of Contents
Unit I:
The Body as a Whole
Ch. 1: Organization of the Human Body
Ch. 2: Chemistry, Matter, and Life
Ch. 3: Cells and Their Functions
Ch. 4: Tissues, Glands, and Membranes
Ch. 5: The Integumentary System
Unit II:
Movement and Support
Ch. 6: The Skeleton: Bones and Joints
Ch. 7: The Muscular System
Unit III:
Coordination and Control
Ch. 8: The Nervous System: The Spinal Cord
and Spinal Nerves
Ch. 9: The Nervous System: The Brain and
Cranial Nerves
Ch. 10: The Sensory System
Ch. 11: The Endocrine System: Glands and
Unit IV:
Circulation and Body Defense
Ch. 12: The Blood
Ch. 13: The Heart
Ch. 14: Blood Vessels and Blood Circulation
Ch. 15: The Lymphatic System and
Energy: Supply and Use
Ch. 16: The Respiratory System
Ch. 17: The Digestive System
Ch. 18: Metabolism, Nutrition, and Body
Ch. 19: The Urinary System and Body Fluids
Perpetuation of Life
Ch. 20: The Male and Female Reproductive
Ch. 21: Development and Heredity
Glossary of Word Parts