God's Plan For Man Final - page 123

(Matthew 7: 7-25)
Clerics such as these instruct their followers to convert others to their
preferred theology or way of understanding. They assign the youth to
convert others to a certain belief, or send them on mission putting them in
harm’s way. Jesus never asked people, especially young people, to perform
such tasks. He did say, “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in
the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”
(Matthew 24:14)
Meaning, the teacher will reveal the truth once again, just
before the end, and those who are ordained to preach the truth will do so—
not the young putting themselves in harms way. Feed my sheep, on the
other hand, is appropriate, but to feed the poor one must be ordained for
the task. Anyone who is inclined to assist must know who the poor are, and
have the resources to accomplish the task.
The intellectually bound have a vast amount of knowledge, however but
they misunderstand, and are without sufficient wisdom to accept the deeper
meaning of Jesus’ testimony. They are convinced that they are in perfect
conformity. So, even though the Holy Spirit, the counselor whom the
Father has sent in Jesus’ name, gives a witness for their edification, they will
reject it. A true witness is always rejected, and even hated because their faith
is weak and their belief in traditional values too strong. They reject the one
who can make a difference, and as Jesus said, they hated Him first. The
reason is more obvious today; rejection is affirmation and Satan has the
entire world deceived to a great extent.
Though conceptually and theologically accurate to a limited degree, they fall
short. Because they lack the wisdom for the actualization of a supernatural
Divine phenomenon, they only see what seems natural or normal. Fixed on
a pretense, and without the true value of a Holy Spirit, such as these expect
Jesus to return at this time to finish and fulfill their theory. Rather than bolt
at this revelation, consider for the moment how impossible it would be for
Jesus to return now, at the end of this millennium. Satan has not yet been
put under Jesus’ footstool, and the final victory completed. To verify this
statement we have a testimony to prove this reality. Jesus said to them, for
our edification to put an end to the argument.
“How is it that they say the Christ is the Son of David?
David himself declares in the Book of Psalms:
‘The Lord said to my Lord:
‘Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet.’
David calls him ‘Lord.’ How then can he be his son?”
(Luke 20: 42-44)
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