God's Plan For Man Final - page 246

Merciful Solutions
The flood never comes before the Ark is constructed; a solution is always
presented before disaster has an effect. The protection of a merciful God
reveals salvation as an act of being spared. Both deliverance and salvation
are mercy. Wisdom not knowledge accepts a Divine solution, seeing what
lies ahead. Justice will certainly be rendered for the sins
[misunderstandings] of humanity, just as it was in the days of Noah. It will
be once again, but not in the same way. If humanity rejects the solution
revealed within God’s Plan For Man, the disastrous effects of perfect justice
will consume both
manki nd
and the evils that control it. Spiritual
enlightenment is necessary before, during, and certainly after the
Tribulation, because mercy mitigates justice and preserves life, which would
otherwise be lost. The Tribulation is clearly predictable in these times, and
you too can judge by the signs of the times. Judge soberly.
The church that Jesus desires is a spiritual body—not a building or even a
particular religion per’ se. The power, of a unified holy people has been
broken, but where is the sacred tabernacle [temple], a sacred place within
which the Holy Spirit constantly dwells 24/7. The church is intended to be
a spiritual body united in the truth, because unified we are those who
worship the Father in spirit and truth. It is this church that Jesus Himself
Within this church are those who were once dead, and are now resurrected.
They know the Master, they just don’t know about Him, and subsequently
they know the Father and the son. They are rejected by this world, but
accepted by those whom the Father has called; mercy is extended for those
whom the solution is made known. The prophets revealed in their time a
revelation, but not only this one: “We do, however, speak a message of
wisdom among the mature, but not the wisdom of this age or of the rulers
of this age, who are coming to nothing. No, we speak of God’s secret
wisdom, a wisdom that has been hidden: and that God destined for our
glory before time began. None of the rulers of this age understood it, for if
they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. However, as it is
No e y e has s e en , no ear has heard , no mi nd has c onc e i v ed wha t
God has pr epar ed f o r t ho s e who l ov e h im’
bu t God has r e v ea l ed i t t o us
by h i s Sp i r i t
. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God.
For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the man’s spirit
within him? In the same way
no one knows t he t hough t s o f God exc ep t
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