God's Plan For Man Final - page 242

‘Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you.’ Jesus said, ‘feed my
“I tell you the truth, when you were younger you dressed yourself and went
where you wanted; but when you are old you will stretch out your hands,
and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to
(John 21:15-18)
These words clearly depict the beginning, and reveal the ending of the Papal
succession, as man’s denial is three time periods. The beginning of
t he
pe r i od t ime s
Peter denied Jesus three times. At the time of the Protestant
Reformation, when Satan received a severe blow, Jesus was denied. The
final denial is when the builders reject the stone, a piece of the rock, an off-
We bring about our own demise when our perception is distorted or not
clearly representative of a Divine will. The Son, revealing the end in the
beginning and the beginning at the end, spoke these prophetic words!
Those who are considered to be the experts in religion are hired hands; they
are men of wages, rather than men of dedication. Thus, the succession ends
in the “
end t ime s”
as the daily sacrifice is abolished; the stone the builders
rejected is revealed as the one who becomes the capstone or finishing work
of Jesus’ church.
Th i s i ns i gn i f i c an t
s t one i s t he shephe rd , t he s on o f
Dav i d ,
chosen to defeat the giant hypocrisy of today. As Scriptural history
portrays, the victory over the giant is repeated once again; a little shepherd
is the stone that strikes the giant in the forehead. That is the destiny of a
mere man who is chosen to fulfill the role of confirming Jesus’ testimony.
The sheep and lambs are humanity, obviously Jesus’ concern. The analogy
of leading them to green pastures means to accompany them along the
narrow path that leads to salvation, which is the purpose of deliverance. It is
this gathering that is representative of Jesus’ church, just as it was in the
beginning before politicos and greed founded a structural church.
Unnourished, the sheep are fed the lie and are scattered, becoming food for
the wolves. Those, professing to be shepherds, are the wolves in sheep’s
clothing; truly a difficult reality to accept easily.
Nothing is coincidental—all is providential; Jesus spoke prophetically,
revealing His desire for the sheep and lambs to know the truth, and
eventually follow an inner voice to be adequately fed the truth.
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