God's Plan For Man Final - page 235

liberated. As such, woman does not portray God’s will, but only the will of
Satan, who roams the world desiring to destroy everyone. God is not
gender sensitive, “He created them male and female,” and there is no third
gender! He does not honor gender equality, except man and women are to
remain equal in the role of creation. Homosexuality is not an option where
equality takes shape, as such, it is not an acceptable preference, and
homosexuality is completely out of order. Gender preference is not an
option, and homosexuality is not a preference that is rational to creation, it
is an abomination, and as such it exists within misguided minds.
So, love the sinner, but not the sin; reject what is wrong, so it may be
corrected. Homosexuality is not according to a perfect order, it is a
misguided preference; homosexuality is nonsense. Homosexuality as a
preference will not procreate human life, which is a simple and sober way of
understanding what is normal and un-normal. Do not tolerate the
homosexual masquerade under any circumstances. God created and
arranged a perfect order, wherein the masculine and feminine genders are
perfectly equal. What determines inequality is evil.
Women are dignified by nature, and the stronger interior spiritual being
because women are more intuitive and sensitive to love. Remember Eve’s
name means spirit, men are more rebellious by nature. Don’t lose your
dignity by giving yourself, under pretense of love the world’s way, for what
takes you won’t love you in return. If a man says he loves you, he will honor
you, in all the right ways, and he will protect you. All men, who are truly
men, know their responsibility. A loving man won’t dishonor you by taking
your dignity from you, but evil will, by saying it loves you—what a lie!
Women, dignity is yours; the world today offers only indignity. Sanctify
yourself and reject what the world offers or now demands. Honor your
husbands that he may honor you in all the right ways. Women, mothers are
the heart of the family, but the husband is the head. Husbands and wives
should speak only the truth, even if their spouse does not what want to hear
the truth. Women who are spiritual right can assist greatly although women
are out of place and at the forefront of business today. First and foremost
use your spirituality to assist other women to humble themselves and enlist
the assistance of the men in your life. Men are called to challenge the evils
in the world and assume the leading role of the family.
Who Sees, Who Does Not See?
So, if you are a woman who feels rejected by these words, then look into
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