God's Plan For Man Final - page 226

g l o r y t o me by t aki ng f r om wha t i s mi ne and maki ng i t known t o y ou .
All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will take
from what is mine and make it known to you.”
(John 16: 13-15)
The counselor,
anointed by Jesus, revealed the Holy Spirit in the son of man, a mere man,
the seed of Abraham, as originally prophesied in the Old Testament to be
fulfilled when revealed according to Jesus’ testimony in the New Testament.
The Father, whose name is Jesus [the two as one], provided testimony of
the truth. The son of man now speaks on behalf of Jesus, Our Father!
A theory is firmly entrenched within minds and hearts of mankind, as
taught, and is accepted as the whole truth, which misses the point. Just as
the Hebrew's were convinced they knew the whole truth, so are they who
claim to be Christians today. Deception uses a theory to propagate
misunderstanding. Represented as the whole truth, and with the greatest of
intentions, humanity at large follows. This posture is the final denial; the last
temptation of [anointed one] Christ as the world has purported. Unless that
thinking is reversed or changed deception silently lurks in the darkness of
the human mind, seeking to crush mere man if possible, which of course it
is not possible.
So it follows today that the parable of the sower of the seed is still
meaningful, relative to fertile soil as an analogy, it says; “But the seed on
good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word,
retain it, and by persevering produce a crop. No one lights a lamp and hides
it in a jar or puts it under a bed. Instead, he puts it on a stand, so that those
who come in can see the light.
Fo r t he r e i s no t h i ng h i dden t ha t wi l l no t
be d i s c l o s ed , and no t h i ng c onc ea l ed t ha t wi l l no t be known o r br ough t
ou t i n t o t he open .
Therefore consider carefully how you listen. Whoever
has will be given more; whoever does not have, even what he thinks he has
will be taken from him.”
(Luke 8:15-18)
What is veiled in theology, or held secret yesterday
, i s r e v ea l ed
and no
longer a mystery! Hence, a revelation reveals the true meaning of what was
once veiled or held secret. This truth is neither new nor original, but
accurately conveyed. Open your mind, pray and be attentive; weigh your
thoughts, and discern which is positive and which is negative. The positive
should far exceed the negative, but if the negative thoughts are many,
change them. If you accept negative thoughts, they will flood your mind,
and, as you think, so you act! Attentive to your thinking, you’ll gain an
interior awareness. When positive, confidence will be your foundation.
You/We have a spiritual guide within, which motivates thought, any
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