God's Plan For Man Final - page 230

disobedience. Therefore God again set a certain day, calling it Today, when
a long time later [and in two contexts a time before Paul’s day and another
time or age], God spoke through David, as was said prior: “
Today , i f y ou
hear h i s vo i c e , do no t harden y our hear t s . ’ ”
(Hebrews 4:3-7)
Clearly we can understand the conflict in the minds of most, as most who
claim to be Christian, expect to hear Jesus’ voice, because the supposition is
that Jesus is to return. He will, but not at this time. Once man defeats and
puts Satan under Jesus’ footstool, the appropriate second coming Jesus will
appear precisely as He said, and it was given;
“Behold, I am coming soon!
My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has
done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning
and the End.”
(Revelations 22:13-13)
However, addressing the reality of the Lord
of the Sabbath such is revealed in a time period where a mere man, who
follows Jesus, at Jesus’ discretion, will indeed crush Satan’s head.
Jesus is LORD of Lord and author of the Sabbath, a special time within the
creation narrative. A time is set-aside for mankind, a day or time of rest.
Mere man will speak on behalf of Jesus, not a new message, but spoken as
prophecy is fulfilled. Those who hear his voice are filled with a holy spirit in
order to accept the truth and thus find peace as a period of rest called the
Sabbath. Keeping the Sabbath holy is to remain spiritually connected to
Jesus 24/7 —1,000 year period or the
“ha l f a t ime , ” as i f a day .
The sixth day within the creation narrative is coming to a conclusion, and
mere man will achieve what was left undone. Once Satan’s head is crushed,
and unilaterally rejected by the remnant, the evil cohorts will be chained and
mankind no longer affected. This period of rest will be a thousand years,
which is the Sabbath or the seventh day of creation.
The solution to life’s dilemmas is a Holy Spirit residing within the hearts of
those who hear. However, for those who reject and don’t hear or respond,
they will not find peace or rest in this world as it is. Sound harsh, well,
perhaps it is for those who do not find the truth, and won’t listen or hear,
but for those who do hear, it’s not harsh. Even the thought of harshness
should trigger a response, because the source or motivation of the
harshness is not from the Father; such comes from the other source. A
gentle but firm warning is extended, throughout all the scriptures. Take
heed and don’t justify the fear of a harsh thought, turn it around. Our free
will choice is individual, but collective, as the remnant or spiritual body
honors the Lord of the Sabbath anointed and appointed by the Father. The
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