God's Plan For Man Final - page 216

The law was the rigid basis for religious imperfection was constant; mere
legalese was [and is] the foundation of the Hebrew understanding!
Knowledge was the basis for interpreting the books of Moses [Old
Testament] not wisdom! Knowledge [a foundation of the law] was the basis
for the first act of disobedience: “you shall not eat of the fruit from the tree
of knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die
(Genesis 2:17)
Man-made laws, founded in knowledge, overshadowed the Ten
Commandments, and became so extreme and numerous no one could obey
them perfectly; failure to obey justified punishment for the disobedience or
the sin [misunderstanding]. While attempting to serve God, their system of
laws offered rigid control and dominance. Unjustly controlled, those under
the law had a rigid discipline of understanding, viewed Jesus as the madman
of the day. Jesus offered love and mercy, which had no place within the
rigid law and within their mind.
Jesus was not a Zealot or a radical, although He was quite controversial;
contradiction followed His words and actions. He did not support the
hierarchy’s misunderstandings of the time, but spoke to reveal the true
meaning within the books of Moses in the Old Testament, so they might
know the whole truth. The true meaning within the scriptures would remain
veiled, until revealed in the end of “times” by one anointed to do so. Thus,
the scriptures will unfold continually until all the details of the Divine Will
are completed. Misunderstanding was justifiable before and during Jesus’
life on earth, and Jesus absolved those who did not comprehend.
To err is human, but to forgive is Divine:
“Fa t he r f o r g i v e t hem f o r t he y
do no t know wha t t he y ar e do i ng . ”
Misunderstanding is not justifiable when used to excuse or willfully ignore
fact. Forgiveness however is a Divine attribute to mitigate justice and
provide mercy as absolution; it must never be taken for granted!
Repentance justifies Divine mercy, and forgiveness is absolute. To this end
these words endure:
“Th i s i s my c ommand J e sus sa i d : Lov e ea ch o t he r as
I hav e l ov ed y ou . ”
(John 15:12)
Jesus requests a witness from the mere man
He has anointed; a testimony using the Divine understanding granted:
“When the Counselor comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the
Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father, he will testify about me.
This testimony is shocking and unacceptable to most because of rigid
beliefs. However, Jesus prepared the way saying, “If the world hates you,
keep in mind that it hated me first.
If you belonged to the world, it would
love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have
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