God's Plan For Man Final - page 207

admissions. Following Constantine’s political decree, the devotion or
movement of Christianity changed. Christianity became very popular; it was
no longer a hidden devotion. The impure pagan seed enveloped the pure
seed, and pagan rituals were assimilated into Christian devotions. Difficult
to consider because of the time that has elapsed, but consider the erosion of
the one spiritual body and multiple divisions within Christianity. There is
the open acceptance of an immoral liberal world. Accepted by the supposed
faithful, who consider themselves sinners to justify the choices made. Under
the pretense of serving Jesus, they profess they amplify His message, but are
focused on liberation theology, social justice, and evil politics etc., etc. So,
consider the long-term effects, and ask if Constantine was an angel of light
as the Church proclaimed, or an angel of darkness and a great deception.
Throughout the ages, angels and messengers of every kind have made
attempts to convey supernatural messages—why? Are the scriptures
inadequate or the various translations inadequate? Are we obligated to listen
and follow the messengers such as Nostradamus, Casey and many others?
No we are not—but can you discern the messages? Remember, you can test
the message to authenticate the value. The definition of “angel” is a spiritual
being, superior to men/women, who is able to bring light, not darkness.
However, angels of light or darkness are an order above humans. To
assume that an angel is a good messenger is not always an accurate
conclusion; but how do you know the difference? Deception is plausible
and is always represented as truth, so it is essential that you/we can discern
the messages and/or manifestations. Knowledge alone is insufficient—
wisdom is the keys to knowing which messages are from God and which
are of Satan.
Religious Faults
Some of the information presented herein might suggest to you that religion
is bad; this is not intention. However, to predetermine that all religions are
good is a wrong assumption. It is not prudent to say that religion is the
absolute source of truth, or that one religion is better than another. But, to
say that religion will ultimately lead to the truth is not accurate; because [as
it is said before in this book] religion has missing pieces; these pieces must
be revealed for the complete truth to be made know. The intent herein
merely prompts you to look deeper for the truth; to be certain that what
you know is the truth. If the whole truth is contained within religion, then it
must lead you higher and higher, opening you to top most levels of truth; In
other words, you should comprehend the Father’s plan and discern all the
evidence associated with it. The Divine plan is like a mosaic puzzle: as each
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