God's Plan For Man Final - page 213

reestablished, this time the pure seeds are being removed from the impure
seed—the essence of final deliverance. Our Lord came to deliver humanity,
so humanity would not be delivered the world’s way. Therefore, deliverance
depends upon acceptance of the truth and only the truth, not a theory of
what the truth seems to be. One must be delivered from evil in order to be
saved or spared. This is precisely why Jesus gave us the “Our Father
Prayer”. He asked that we individually and silently find the deep meaning
therein, in order to begin the journey on the narrow path as one [many]
delivered from evil.
To this end there is nothing to fear as the light dispels the angel of darkness,
and Satan’s head is crushed, which is what God revealed in the beginning.
With wisdom there is no place for Satan to hide because wisdom is not
subject to deception! In our weakness we are made strong in order to
overcome the darkness, thus, we are the light of the world! But you must
see your weakness; admit your vulnerabilities in order to right what was
wrong. So, delve deeper into the word of God, challenge your version of
the truth; see it in a positive light to be certain you know the whole truth.
The truth is confirmed one way or another. That is, when the inconsistency
of a perceived truth is revealed, deception is recognized and a deeper truth
is revealed. Remember always that the truth expects to be tested, and
anyone who tests the truth finds it. The lie cannot withstand the test
because it becomes exposed. In an attempt to evade the truth, fear [evil] will
suggest you flee. However, fear as an illusion evidences the truth [fear is a
prompt from evil], for perfect love drives out fear. Herein lies the truth, so
continue to challenge yourself and you won’t be disappointed!
Have you ever reflected on the simplicity of Jesus’ life with His Mother and
Joseph His stepfather? In that time life was simple, yet complex in many
ways. There was a social order, a religious order, and the politics were more
severe than today. Oppression prevailed as the Roman forces occupied
Judah and the rest of the world. The people were zealous in religious
matters. Just as the political law was oppressive and harsh, the religious law
was very strict. Hebrews were harsh, perhaps not as harsh as the, but harsh
in regard to the threats of damnation. Their religion was strict, even to the
complete exclusion of others, and mercy played no part in their judgment.
Jesus was considered a zealous individual because He was passionate, but
very different from His Hebrew countrymen. He was not a Zealot who
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