God's Plan For Man Final - page 306

profound physical revelations concerning the properties of the universe, we
can understand a profound revelation between mankind on earth and the
universe. But to understand the theory of relativity, one must understanding
the relativity between man and God, and precisely how mankind will return
to the beginning.
Even without seeing we can sense within ourselves the Divine spiritual
source, for we feel it when we acknowledge the Spirit. We can know the will
of God, and the relativity between God and man. This glorifies God,
because what we have come to know is of a spiritual origin.
Einstein obviously understood mathematical concepts; Einstein’s abilities
and his theory of relativity perfectly reflect a mind in communion with the
mind of God. He had a special gift, yet the world of academia thought him
to be stupid, and not worthy of their knowledge. His persistence allowed his
mind to express the superior intelligence, and continue to interact with
academia, which eventually offered him the opportunity to fit in. Einstein
used his spiritual gifts—perhaps not consciously knowing the source from
where the thoughts came from—his mathematical genius started to reveal
itself. What Einstein expressed was not a theory; to Einstein it was a reality.
His fellow scientists thought the concept of relativity was a theory, but later
found it to be a reality.
The theory of relativity is best known by a single formula, “E = mc
where “E” is energy, “m” is mass, and “c” is the speed of light.
The theory of relativity, as it relates to all of its individual applications in the
physical world, is beyond the scope of this book, except the concept of
relativity that embraces matter; energy and light have a spiritual significance.
Divine inspiration revealed to Einstein these realities, which are now
proven. There is little doubt where Einstein turned to receive the wisdom
and/or knowledge of the scientific evidence.
Wisdom began revealing its purpose. Objects with mass generate gravity,
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