God's Plan For Man Final - page 315

About This Glossary
The following glossary was composed to give the reader an appreciation for the
essence of words as compared to their generally accepted definitions of today. It is by no
means intended to fulfill the role of a Hebrew/ Greek dictionary or concordance, for it only
contains a handful of Greek and Hebrew “equivalents” to English words. However, the
words contained here are important, as they pertain to this book, and should help the
reader gain a fuller appreciation of each word’s original meaning. Perhaps you will be
surprised at the variations in comparison to what you “thought” each word meant!
This glossary is a compilation of English words which are used in Scripture (as well
as a few others which have direct importance with regards to the text of this book),
followed by their Greek and/or Hebrew equivalents as given in the original Scriptural text.
All Greek and Hebrew definitions are taken directly from Strong’s Concordance. You will
note that each definition contains reference numbers (for example “H8251” or “G26”).
These are the Strong’s numbers, one of which is given to each Greek and Hebrew word in
Scripture. An H in front of the number means that the word being defined is Hebrew (from
the Old Testament); a G refers to a Greek word (from the New Testament). You will find
that each single word often has a much deeper and more profound meaning, which is
difficult to capture without looking into its essence. In some cases, it is very helpful to list
several root words to really understand a particular meaning. When necessary, all root
words or related words are listed under the main definition, first using the Strong’s number,
followed by the Greek or Hebrew word and its pronunciation, and then followed by the
definition. In some cases, both the Greek and Hebrew equivalents have been given.
Any further questions, or additional investigation can be answered by referring
directly to the Strong’s Concordance. I pray that this adds to your treasure chest, as you
delve into God’s word in your individual search for confirmation of God’s Plan for Man.
Abomination—H8251. shiqquwts, shik-koots’; or shiqquts, shik-koots’; from H8262;
disgusting, i.e. filthy; especially idolatrous or an idol:–abominable filth (idolization),
detestable (thing). H8262. shaqats, shaw-kats’; a primary root; to be filthy, i.e. (intentions.)
to loathe, pollute: abhor, make abominable, have in abomination, detest, utterly.
Adam—H120. ‘adam, aw-dawm’; from H119; ruddy, i.e. a human being (an individual or
the species, mankind, etc.):–common sort, low, man (mean, of low degree), person. H119.
‘adam, aw-dam’; to show blood in the face), i.e. flush or turn rosy:–be (dyed, made) red
Adultery—H5003. na’aph, naw-af’; a primary root; to commit adultery; fig. to apostatize:–
adulterer committing adultery, woman that breaketh wedlock.
Altar—H4196. mizbeach, miz-bay’-akh; from H2076; an altar:–altar.
H2076. zabach, zaw-bakh’; a primary root; to slaughter an animal (usually in sacrifice):–kill,
offer, (do) sacrifice, slay.
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