God's Plan For Man Final - page 322

H6509. parah, paw-raw’; a primary root; to bear fruit (literally or figuratively):–bear, bring
forth (fruit), (be, cause to be, make) fruitful, grow, increase.
Epithet—A term used to characterize a person or thing, such as rosy-fingered in rosy-
fingered dawn or the Great in Catherine the Great. A term used as a descriptive substitute
for the name or title of a person, such as The Great Emancipator for Abraham Lincoln. An
abusive or contemptuous word or phrase.
Eucharist—G2168. eucharisteo, yoo-khar-is-teh’-o; from G2170; to be grateful, i.e. (act.) to
express gratitude (towards); specially to say grace at a meal:–(give) thank (-ful, -s).
G2169. eucharistia, yoo-khar-is-tee’-ah; from G2170; gratitude; act. grateful language (to
God, as an act of worship):–thankfulness, (giving of) thanks (-giving).
G2170. eucharistos, yoo-khar’-is-tos; from G2095 and a der. of G5483; well favored, i.e. (by
implication.) grateful:–thankful.
Eternity—H5769. ‘owlam, o-lawm’; or ‘olam, o-lawm’; from H5956; prop. concealed, i.e.
the vanishing point; gen. time out of mind (past or fut.), i.e. (practically) eternity; freq. adv.
(especially with prep. pref.) always:–always (-s), ancient (time), any more, continuance,
eternal, (for, [n-]) ever (-lasting, -more, of old), lasting, long (time), (of) old (time),
perpetual, at any time, (beginning of the) world (+ without end). Comp. H5331, H5703.
H5331. netsach, neh’-tsakh; or netsach, nay’-tsakh; from H5329; prop. a goal, i.e. the bright
object at a distance travelled towards; hence (figuratively) splendor, or (subj.) truthfulness,
or (objective) confidence; but usually (adv.), continually (i.e. to the most distant point of
view):–always, constantly, end, (+ n-) ever (more), perpetual, strength, victory.
Eve—H2332. Chavvah, khav-vaw’; causat. from H2331; life-giver; Chavvah (or Eve), the
first woman:–Eve.
H2331. chavah, khaw-vah’; a primary root; [comp. H2324, H2421]; prop. to live; by
implication (intentions) to declare or show:–show.
H2421. chayah, khaw-yaw’; a prim. root [comp. H2331, H2424]; to live whether literally or
figuratively; causation to revive:–keep (leave, make) alive, certainly, give (promise) life, (let,
suffer to) live, nourish up, preserve (alive), quicken, recover, repair, restore (to life), revive,
(God) save (alive, life, lives), surely, be whole.
Evolution—A gradual process in which something changes into a different and usually
more complex or better form. See synonyms at development. The process of developing.
Gradual development. Biology. The theory that groups of organisms change with passage
of time, mainly as a result of natural selection, so that descendants differ morphologically
and physiologically from their ancestors. The historical development of a related group of
organisms; phylogeny. A movement that is part of a set of ordered movements.
Faith—G4102. pistis, pis’-tis; from G3982; persuasion, i.e. credence; moral conviction (of
religious truth, or the truthfulness of God or a religious teacher), especially reliance upon
Christ for salvation; abstract constancy in such profession; by extension the system of
religious (Gospel) truth itself:–assurance, belief, believe, faith, fidelity.
G3982. peitho, pi’-tho; a primary verb; to convince (by argument, true or false); by analogy
to pacify or conciliate (by other fair means); reflex. or pass. to assent (to evidence or
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