God's Plan For Man Final - page 42

ancestral line from Abraham through Isaac continued through Jacob’s
twelve sons, but Jacob could only choose one of his sons to carry the
lineage. While it was important for the survival of the tribe and family, the
pure seed was exacting of the will of God, whereas the impure seed became
an obstruction. The human will can distort God’s Will, and evil intends to
be an acceptable influence. Ultimately, however, weakness is found, but all
is righted. At a point in time, disobedience works to the good, but it is not
good in and of itself. So, the disobedient sons of Jacob sold Joseph [the
man of pure lineage, as chosen by God] into slavery, which eventually
resulted in the spiritual bondage of the Hebrew nation
. (Genesis 17)
disobedience of ten evidenced their weaknesses and inevitably caused their
captivity in Egypt. However, even in their weaknesses, they were saved
through Joseph’s misfortune and subsequent good fortune that came by
Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery; however, eventually Joseph
received his father and God’s blessings because he spoke the truth during
captivity, regardless of those who tested him. In the time following the
tests, his bondage was lifted, and he was then spiritually and physically free
to honor God his Father. Joseph was faithful to God, and his faith was tried
time and again during his slavery. Joseph did not bow to the Egyptian gods,
nor did Joseph accept the seductive force of his master’s wife. He would
not submit, he did not fail, and by being faithful, he ultimately received
Joseph stood before Pharaoh and spoke the truth without bowing to him,
even though the Egyptians considered Pharaoh to be god on earth. The
spirit of God within Joseph became obvious to Pharaoh because of
Joseph’s wisdom and understanding. Can you see the spiritual forces
conflicting, the stronger and the weaker? Remember, in the beginning God
said that He would place “enmity” [meaning contradiction] between the
seed of the woman and evil. The truth and non-truth reveal themselves as
Pharaoh comprehends the strength of wisdom and claims it for his own.
Evil wanted Joseph’s submission, so when pain and suffering was
unsuccessful; seduction followed as another ploy for acceptance. Obedience
to God with wisdom as a reward allowed victory over evil for a time.
Eventually, using those spiritual gifts God gave him, Joseph correctly
interpreted Pharaoh’s dream [the seven fat cows and seven skinny cows],
and foretold the upcoming famine that saved the Jewish nation from
starvation. Deliverance seemed good as he then delivered the people
physically into the land of Egypt. Pharaoh acknowledged the spirit of God:
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