God's Plan For Man Final - page 96

are intended to be a temple of the Spirit of God, for His Spirit [the soul]
dwells within—wherein the Ark of the Covenant eventually resides.
The Ark of the Covenant was a physical object that Moses caused to exist,
precisely as instructed by God. It held and kept the Ten Commandments
sacred, but no one knows where the Ark resides today. Did you ever think
the golden Ark was symbolic, but that today it is a sacred temple applicable
to those who have chosen and are chosen by God?
What is the desired relativity of man to God and God to man; is there any
more important object to God than man [masculine/feminine] himself?
Where does God dwell, and what did Jesus say about this? He spoke about
the Kingdom of God many times and in many ways: “The kingdom does
not come with your careful observation. Neither should they say,
‘He r e i t
i s o r t he r e i t i s , ’ f o r t he ki ngdom o f God i s wi t h i n y ou . ”
(Luke 17: 20–21)
A house wherein the Spirit of God dwells can be nothing less than what
these prophecies foretell. God’s Holy Spirit can only exist within the soul of
any individual that responds in a way that fulfills a Divine Will, and is not
attached or acting on behalf of the worldly values that are clearly contrary.
Has your church provided any insights into what should be taking place?
Have you been adequately prepared for this eventuality? The house referred
to in the prophecy may very well be an individual(s), not a building. The
message does not affirm religious theology, because everyone proclaims
relevance to God’s Holy Spirit. Such a body possesses a mind where
wisdom comprehends the relevance of God to man, as a loving solution in
human form, having both spiritual and physical qualities.
Question the condition of your house, church, community, or family.
Decide for yourself soberly, and decide how your temple or house will
stand before the Lord. Are you prepared, or is there more to be
accomplished? Is there anything to be concerned about? Will you be
connected, finding inner peace, thus, becoming more self-sufficient and
spiritually connected, delivered from the forces of evil? There is a solution,
and the solution conforms perfectly to the Old and New Testaments, for
therein resides God’s Plan For Man—man’s destiny.
A City of Peace on Two Hills (not an allusion), Two Shepherds
The Messianic message emphasizes individual commitment and obedience
to God. One God asserts the need for inward spirituality, and this is
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