My name is Regan, I’m a community
psychologist working in south east
Queensland. I was actually born in Darwin
and grew up in some remote parts of
the Northern Territory. I also spent a
lot of time in North Queensland which
is where I would call home. I’ve lived in
metropolitan areas as well but, I’ve also
spent quite a lot of time in regional,
rural and remote Australia. Most recently
in Western Australia and have done a
lot of work throughout the state there.
Tell us about your rural
and remote LGBTIQ work
in Western Australia
I worked as part of an organisation doing
LGBTIQ mental health training. The
objective of that training was to try and
create better outcomes for lesbian, gay,
bisexual, trans, intersex and queer people
in regional and remote parts of the state.
The way that we did that was work with
mental health workers, psychiatrists,
anyone working as part of allied
health in those areas to improve their
practice standards around working
with these populations. We know that
these populations are more vulnerable,
particularly in non-metropolitan areas
because there are rarely LGBTIQ
services or applicable resources for
people living in non-metropolitan areas.
A lot of the work we did there was very