J^OUNG Master Appleton, mate of the
clipper-ship Jiauger, had long been Mis
tress Peggy's ardent lover, and had even
gone so far as to obtain mine host's reluc
tant consent that, when he could boast of
a command, his daughter should be his
an she would. Now Peggy, when she ad
mitted to her coquettish self that she had
a heart, knew that eventually she would
be forced, in order to still its clamourings,
to surrender it unconditionally into the keef)-
ing of a certain bold sailor; but woman
like put off capitulating as long as she
might. The time came, however, when the
knowledge of his promotion gave Master
Appleton the courage he had lacked to
force the citadel which her coquetry had
heretofore so jealously guarded; and, when
of a sudden Peggy's heart refused longer
to be maligned by her mouth, and spake
eloquently from out of bright eyes grown
almost serious,— before she could summon
her mind to the fray—she was conquered,
and, close embraced, was calling him dear
whom, but the day before, she had flouted
with reckless audacity.