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addressed or referred to as the very spirit of Yoga and the secret channel to

the One…: whichever reality or aspect was invoked has probably depended

through the centuries on the contemporary balance of forces as well as on

the motivations prevailing in society and in individuals.

And thus it came to pass that, for a fairly long period, his cult was

considered as one of the five ways to realize the Divine, the other four being

those of the Shakti, Vishnu, Shiva and Surya.


Many are the names used to address Lord Ganesha and there are myriads of

tales involving him in numerous different capacities: a prankster, a cunning

instrument of the higher will, a menacing and dark opposing force, an

immovable obstruction, a friend and companion and protector, a great king

of wisdom, a bringer of prosperity and a provider…

There are also several distinct “avatars” depending on the ages and in this

age he rides the little rat (perhaps a shrew is the more exact definition),

which in turn symbolizes the burrowing in the dark places, the wise hoarding

of resources, the irresistible drive for advance and progression.

For long in the past he was apparently a silent observer of proceedings and

witness to the innumerable entreaties and pretences and subterfuges and

prostrations in the relationships between human beings and powerful gods

and goddesses.

Perhaps this is one way he developed his knowledge and understanding of

both human and godly nature.


Sri Aurobindo has only referred to Lord Ganesha as the one who dissolves

obstacles by the power of knowledge.

Mother has later related a few instances in which She interacted directly with

Ganesh – the first time in his golden form during a meditation Mother was

regularly holding and to which various gods would discreetly attend.

Her regard for his help in terms of material support and particularly in

channeling the money-power for Her work, has been noted in various

occasions, but it is also obvious that She held him in deep affection and Her

keeping a small figurine of him by Her side was only perfectly natural.

It is thus no surprise that one of the very first lands purchased in Her Name

for the present Auroville was that of his little shrine.
