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The Virginia School Counselor Association hosted Legislative
Day for the 2017 session on Opening Day this year, January 11, 2017.
The main focus of the organization was to educate and advocate for
the Board of Education proposed updates to the Standards of Quality
and Standards of Accreditation, especially relating to the changes in
instructional, administrative, and support personnel.
The staff ratio for School Counselors should be adjusted to the
American School Counselor Association (ASCA) recommendation
of 1 counselor for every 250 students in grades K-12. With current
SOQ standards requiring approximately one school counselor
for every 425 students, a Virginia school counselor currently has
approximately 35 minutes per student per year to spend on individual
student planning. Empirical research studies show that students who
have greater access to school counselors via lower student-school
counselor ratios have stronger school attendance, are more likely to
graduate, are more likely to apply to and enroll in college (including
first generation students), and show greater improvements in student
learning, behavior and mental health.
In the2017 session, SenatorMcPikeproposedabill thatwould require
School Counselors to complete training in the recognition ofmental health
disorder and behavioral distress, including depression, trauma, violence,
youth suicide, and substance abuse when they seek initial licensure and
renewal of a license in the state of Virginia. At Legislative Day VSCA
members were able to talk to Senator McPike about this proposed bill and
share the need for this training to be evidenced based and meaningful to
School Counselors throughout the state.
VSCA members met with many Senators and Delegates during
Legislative Day and will continue to educate and advocate for the
SOQ standards to be changed throughout the bill. The organization is
already making plans for Legislative Day 2018 and hopes that a bill
is proposed to adjust the School Counselor ratios to 1 counselor for
every 250 students in grades K-12.
Renée Zando is the Director of School Counseling at Hermitage
High School in Henrico County and serves as the Government
Relations Chair of the Virginia School Counselor Association.
VSCA Legislative Day 2017
By Renée Zando